Justified--Episode 2

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Kevin Lang

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Pasadena, MD
Hulu has the first 3 eps up, so I'm checkin it out there, mostly because my job conspires to block my methods of download, and working in IT it seems unethical to subvert these methods for my own gain all to avoid 2 minutes of commercials and 480p.

Anyhow, who was the old prisoner (gary iirc) who hid the 108,000 USD from the bank job? Seems really familiar but I can't place him. Mostly reminds me of someone I knew, but that isn't him (obviously & hopefully), but I think I've seen him in something else...??

Don't know his name, but I've seen him on several movies - not a big time actor, more of a character actor. Seen him in movies like Armageddon, Live Free or Die Hard, and others.

edit: Look up episode 2 on the link Caymen supplied (thanks, Caymen) - name is Chris Ellis. I kinda like this show so far, although I wasn't to impresses with last night's episode (fell asleep, I was tired though).
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The first three are also on FxNetworks website now, too.

I fell asleep during last nights episode too, but then I had been up since 3am, and then only had 2 hours sleep the night before...and didn't start watching until 11pm, and was in bed in a hotel while watching it, so, YMMV.

I will watch it when I get back home.

KL, the most memorable thing I saw Chris Ellis in, that made me think of him immediately, was his role as the high school principal in "October Sky." (one of my top 10 films).

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can someone explain hulu to me. went to their website and am still confused,,, but hey that's normal for me:banghead::smack:

What confuses you about hulu?

Hulu has episodes and video clips like many other websites (youtube).

The big difference is that it has network provided/sponsored video; not predominantely user-submitted (again, like youtube).

Hulu is awesome, despite the hokey name. I've seen so many good things due to it, that I would never have seen otherwise, eg Firefly. Also, it's a great time-killer on the job...paid to watch tv rofl.

Only complaints are that some shows are posted 7-9 days after they air, and some shows can only have 5 eps up at a time (and others get deleted after X date). That said, it's a spiffy site, and it even has cool features like if you close your browser during a show, say by mistake (like I did), and open another and go back to the video you were on, it'll start you where you left off.

Anyhow, as you could guess TJR, I have not seen October Sky...I thought I'd heard of it, but then I realized I was thinking of Vanilla Sky, which I have also not seen.

Though again, I'm amazed at Olyphant's acting here. Him being a punk (typecast) playing an Eastwood styled character is almost as impressive an acting feat as George S Scott, liberal extrodinaire, playing "war mongering" devout right-wing General George S. Patton.


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