Katrina got me...

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Paul Maurer 2

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
key west, FL
My building in Marathon, Florida Keys sustained a tornado strike- serious damage. Three telephone poles used as signposts snapped like toothpicks, and the brand new $6000 sign is now fragments. Ouch....[Broken External Image]: Also lost 2 Mango trees in Key West- from a hurricane that wasn't supposed to even come close! Would love to talk to my accountant, but he's in New Orleans!
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You have to admit it is a bit ironic that your accountant is in New Orleans....

Hope you and your family are fine. That is what matter the most.
Sorry for your loss, But your ok!!!

Todd Z
my brother also lives in EYW and said the same thing. 2 days of wind, rain and flooding that was not expected or planned for. He's had it. They are moving back north in about a month.

Too expensive to own property there now with all of the taxes and various insurances. The big $$$$ come in and renovate property and then come to visit once a year. And businesses there can't understand why they can't keep help.....all the housing has been turned from apartments back into big single family houses that sit empty most of the year.

Buzz off

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