Lasik- Has anyone had it done?

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Jun 3, 2004
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Crawfordsville, IN
I looking into getting lasik eye surgary done. Has anyone had it done ? If so about how much should I expect to pay and are the results worth the money. I am nearsighted and tried of taking off my glasses to read something. Any feedback would be greatly appreciacted. By the way I live close to Indy if anyone has any recommondations on a doctor. Thanks
We actually have a Lasik Doctor in the house. He is in Key West though. I really wish he would give my girlfriend a "group buy" on her eyes. I wouldn't mind giving her the gift of sight while on vacation in Florida.

my father's friend is a eye surgeon and always wants to fix my father and I. Price depends on what doctor and experience. Make sure to ask about his or her past cases. Remember, you get what you pay for. Also remember the three check up after visits too, so picking a surgeon futhur away from your home just for the slightly lower price might not always be so wise.

I'm nearsighted and had it done in Oct 2K1 for 2800$. It was GREAT to see clear as a bell and not to wear glasses! Now,,,,,, in Oct of 2K4 and I had to go back to wearing glasses. I can still see real "good" without them but I don't feel comfortable anymore not wearing my glasses(very slight correction). As far as reading goes... no way I can read ANYTHING now without help. Question is,, would I do it again... no, it's just not worth the hasstle.:cool:
My parents gave me and my brothers lasik for christmas about 7 years ago. He got a deal at $1K per eye, I think the price has come down since then. Knowing what I know now, I would pay whatever it took to have the surgery done. That is the greates thing in the world. To be able to wake up in the night/ morning and be able to see what time it is without putting on glasses. The first week after is amazing becasue your vision improves everyday. The hardest part is to not rub your eyes for the two weeks following surgery. But, it's something you only do once. Your eyes DO NOT hurt unless you touch them. They give you goggles to wear at night so you don't touch your eyes while sleeping.

Want my advice? DO IT! It's great and the surgery is only uncomfortable, it does not hurt. It's just a little/ alot weird feeling while they are doing it. But just relax and it will be over in a matter of seconds. Mine took about 15 seconds per eye.
War Eagle,

I've heard of some folks having a little trouble seeing at night after Lasik. Have you or your brothers experienced this? I was considering lasik also.

I had mine done 2 years ago. My only complaint is that I didn't do it sooner. I had no pain or discomfort. I could see immediately afterwards. My vision has weakened a little bit since but I still don't need glasses. I do need them for reading, but that is an age thing. My sister had hers done and a few friends also. No complaints from anyone that I know that had it done. Good luck!
My mother-in-law and brother have both had it done. Mother-in-law had no issues after 1 week. My brother saw white halos around lights at night for about a month afterwards but that eventually went away and both now have no problems. I've been thinking about it myself after their success.
I have not had it done but I know a number of people who have. My only recommendation would be to several opinions from several doctors (not for price comparison), but to find out if you are a good candidate for the surgery, and that the doctor has the experience.

Too many doctors can go to a 4 hour class, buy the laser equipment, and start doing Lasik eye surgery. Be sure the doctor you entrust to do this surgery has done hundreds of these procedures over many years. You can also check with your states medical board as to whether the doctors has any malpractice suits pending against them, etc.

I PRK laser surgery done at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, VA in November 2001. I had pretty bad myopia (near-sightedness) and astigmatism, and it was corrected to 20/20. Just last month, I had to go back to wearing glasses. A slight amount of astigmatism in the left eye, and mild myopia in both. I was 35 when I had it done, and the docs at the time told me that I would probably have to wear glasses again sometime later in the future, simply due to the natural aging of the eyes.

I would have it done again if I could, because it was worth it to not have to wear the glasses and have good vision. The Navy won't do it again, but I guess I could pay for it this time.

There are several forms of laser eye surgery. PRK, LASIK, and some others that I can't recall. Do the research so that you can have enough information to find out which one is right for you.
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I had it done about a year ago. I paid more for my surgery because I opted for the custom lasik. That is where they map your eye to fine tune the laser surgery because each persons eye is as unique as a finger print it helps cut down on the post surgery glare and halo's. I never noticed either of them happening afterwards so I guess it was money well spent. I spent about 4k total on it and I went to Laurel Eye Clinic because there is about 6 people I know that have went there and had very good results. I had to go back the next day, week, month, 3 6and 12 months later. I still have 20/20 vision but understandably it can not stop further eye deterioration just correct what you came with. I also think it depends on how bad your eyes are as to whether it is a good choice. My eyes were so bad I was very close to not even being able to get the surgery. If I do need to get glasses again I will be disappointed but at least they wont be as much money anymore. All in all, the freedom I have to be able to wake up and see 20/20 is worth it to me even if its only for a few years and I have to start wearing glasses all over again.
Got mine done about 5 years ago. I would do it again in an instant. My company insurance covered it! You should ask if yours does. It was $5k back then. I being 48 have to use reading glasses for some smaller print but other then that I'm 20-20 in one eye and 20-15 in the other. Good Luck.
I had it done with Lasik Plus in 05/2004 at $2840. If any adjustments are needed for the rest of my life the initial price covers it. You can have it done $400 cheaper without the adjustment coverage. I did a lot of research before having it done and I'm glad I did it. I have 20/15 in both eyes now. The surgery took about 5 minutes and was painless.

I had mine done 6/7 years ago when the price was high, 4K for both. The doctor did something called mono vision, where my weak eye was left with 20/30 so I could read with that eye and see with 20/20 with the other. I did lose my perfect close up vision, I called it my watch maker vision, but I can still read most of the time without reading glasses. I put the cheaters on only in low light. If I had to do it over I would go for the full boat on both eyes and use reading glasses when needed.:rolleyes:
I had mine done 4 years ago so I could apply for a new job that required 20/20 vision. I ended up with better vision than that and have had perfect vision ever since. I lived with glasses since I was about 9 so to be free of them again was great....I also had to get a specialized laser with a wider beam to do mine because my pupils dialate to 8mm or something like that. It cost $3200.
I had it done in 01. Cost a bunch $3200 ish. Doctor Vincent Marino at Lasik plus in Cincinnati. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I was extremely near sighted. Glasses and contacts since age 12. I actually drove home after the surgery. I had halo's for a couple nights. I have perfect vision now. People I work with are amazed at the acuity I now have. I highly reccomend it. It also help my racing,even though things still get blurry at

I think there is a doctor here (nickname "lasix" or something similar) that does this procedure. I am sure he'll come and give some info

I've worn glasses since I was six years old, and decided against getting the procedure, even though the Air Force will do it at no cost. At my age, After all these years glasses don't bother me even though I do a lot of sports activities. Besides, a few folks I know well say I look more distinguished with glasses. :D
Lasik1 is the doctor......right now, I imagine he is heading north out of Key West looking for safe haven from the impending blow they have coming.

My brother finally had enough of this game and moved from Key West 2 weeks ago and came back to the Louisville area. Now he gets to sit on the sidelines and be a spectator in this episode. The Keys are really in for the worst of it if it stays on the track that is now being predicted.

I'd like to know a little more about Lasik, too. Being of an older age.....and wear bifocals, are my eye-bulbs too far gone for any type of corrective surgery.

Both my wife and I had it done. 3k each. The doctor we chose was a very well respected and had a huge resume...I looked it over very carefully. She had lasIK and I had lasEK. There is a difference in how the detatch the epithelial (?) tissue. the IK cuts a flap, the EK cuts, spreads and moves the tissue out of the way. You have to have this done before the laser fires off. for LasIK, they will do both eyes the same day. LasEK they wait a month between the two. LasIK was uncomfortable for my wife for a week or two. My lasEK hurt like a bas*&rd, dry eyes etc. Still does. That being said, the LasEK will probablly not scar (light rings or shadows) and if you need to have the surgury again there will be no scar tissue to deal with again and they can recut your eye. The LasIK procedure leaves the cut flap and they flap it back over if they need to redo the surgury. OBTW-corrected vision is considered to be 20-40, not 20-20. Im nearing 50. My vision after the surgury is 20 20 in one eye and 20 15 in the other. I have reading glasses all over the house in the car and a spare at work as well. I really didnt need them before. To get that fixed is another 3 grand. there is a lot of info out on the subject and to find out more from a reputable and highly regarded institutuion check the website out for the Phillips Eye Institute.

Thanks to everyone for their great feedback. I'll take what I learned here and start looking for a couple of good doctors. Also special thanks to "Mysportrac" and to Rich Stern and all the sponsers of mysportrac for providing us this awesome site.


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