lawsuit against Barack Obama

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I have to agree w/caymen but I'm not sure that obama is the right leader for the direction we need to go. If he is being so hesitant to release his transcripts and med records that should be another reason to be nervous about voting for him. Seems to me that most democrats were complaining about this very same thing with bush. Am I wrong?

I agree. Obama is not the best choice. McSame isn't either. Obama does not have the Chimp on his back like McSame does.

That is the downfall of McSame. Right now, the Republicans are thier own worst enemy. McSame picking Sara Palin was a moral booster for those already voting for McSame. Palin did little to nothing for the "on the fence" voters. Most see her as an obnoxous child that does not take this campain serious. She acts like she is just going along for the ride.

I honestly think Obama will win this election. I am not saying he is the best man for the job. If you think about it, neither of the two the best man for the job.

Palin has more executive experience than Obama, Biden or McCain put together.

She connects with regular people. She has energized the Party like no other

since Reagan. She has been a tenecious campaigner for the ticket.

The entire election has been bought and paid for by

1. Illegal donations from individuals and foreigners

2. Tainted by voter fraud ACORN

3. Tainted by media bias

the American people need to really ask questions,

Why has he not released

1. his medical records

2. his transcripts

3. his birth certificate

4. his donor lists

5. his ties to Ayers, Wright, Flager, ACORN, Rezko

ALOT...of unanswered questions that the media has not pressed.

This process makes us and Democracy look foolish.

The rest of the world sees this, Obama and Biden will make America

at least the Koolaid drinkers look worse than Clinton with Monica.

The extreme Left and the blind followers will see if Obama gets in office.

especially with Pelosi and Reid, these people are not good for the America

I know and love. They Hate America!

Nov 5th, going on sale...

"Don't blame me I voted for McCain/Palin"

bumper stickers will go on sale.
These issues have already been addressed, but since you're "drinking the cool aid" as you like to put it, you refuse to believe what is put forth. It's funny, the Republicans like to say "AMERICA" have their eyes closed and fingers in their ears, but are pretty good at being ignorant themselves.
These issues have been addressed? By who? They have been misadressed more like it.

Obama has not spoken out against ACORN...if he has America missed it.

Obama hasn't proved his citizenship to the courts. He simply had a liberal judge throw out the case.

Obama hasn't released his medical records, everyone else has.

Obama hasn't released his transcripts.

Obama hasn't explained irregularities in his campaign donor list.

It's easy to say these have been addressed and simply dismiss it like the media has.

"Say a lie often enough, it becomes the truth" Clinton tactics all over again.

Is this the kind of person you vote for? Following blindly without getting any answers?

The entire election has been bought and paid for by

1. Illegal donations from individuals and foreigners

2. Tainted by voter fraud ACORN

3. Tainted by media bias

the American people need to really ask questions,

Why has he not released

1. his medical records

2. his transcripts

3. his birth certificate

4. his donor lists

5. his ties to Ayers, Wright, Flager, ACORN, Rezko

ALOT...of unanswered questions that the media has not pressed.

You're one of those paranoid McCainiacs, aren't you! I've heard about your kind. Believing in details that are months old, continuing to believe stuff that's been disproven, and worshiping McCain as if he's something new and different. Well, I'll be damned! You'll have to excuse me. Everyone I know here in Wisconsin is voting for Obama.
I am not a McCain fan but i would like to be certain on the issues in that quote
The entire election has been bought and paid for by

1. Illegal donations from individuals and foreigners

2. Tainted by voter fraud ACORN

3. Tainted by media bias

the American people need to really ask questions,

Why has he not released

1. his medical records

2. his transcripts

3. his birth certificate

4. his donor lists

5. his ties to Ayers, Wright, Flager, ACORN, Rezko

ALOT...of unanswered questions that the media has not pressed.
You're one of those paranoid McCainiacs, aren't you! I've heard about your kind. Believing in details that are months old, continuing to believe stuff that's been disproven, and worshiping McCain as if he's something new and different. Well, I'll be damned! You'll have to excuse me. Everyone I know here in Wisconsin is voting for Obama.

Clay, instead of the name calling, why don't you take some time and try to answer some of those questions. Your response is typical, keep sweeping the questions under the rug hoping they will go away, but they are just piling up.
You're one of those paranoid McCainiacs, aren't you! I've heard about your kind. Believing in details that are months old, continuing to believe stuff that's been disproven, and worshiping McCain as if he's something new and different. Well, I'll be damned! You'll have to excuse me. Everyone I know here in Wisconsin is voting for Obama.

So far none of those questions has been effectively answered. They're either ignored, indirectly answered with vague responses, or deflected for being "racist".
I haven't seen the video that started this thread (can't open video at work), but I presume from the messages after it that it's about the claims of Obama supposedly not being a U.S. citizen eligible for the presidency. Assuming that's the case--you do realize that there are also claims that McCain isn't eligible, either, as he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. And while Snopes (and others, including the courts, as linked multiple times above) have shown that Obama is, indeed, eligible for the presidency, there is still uncertainty regarding McCain's eligilbility in Snopes's eyes...

Don't get me wrong--I'm not at all saying that McCain should be ineligible. I'm just demonstrating that overzealous attempts to discredit the candidates cut both ways...
OK. I am and have been a republican all my life. However, I am a pissed republican right now. Not just because of the president but also because congress has shown themselves to be nothing more than self rigeous pigs.

Because of my issues with republicans I considered voting for Obama, however, after carefully looking at the debated issues, I am not going to.

Everyone must remember, the President alone cannot run a country, the Democrats always made statement of " If we where in charge of congress, we would take care of this or that" well just like the republicans they have been in charge and nothing has happended to help those of the middle to lower class of people. Nothing happened when Gas prices went sky high, nothing happened when the banking industry started slipping away etc...

My point is, we don't need a party to lead, we need a leader to lead. We don't need a party in charge we need the senate and house to make decisions for everyday americans and not just special interest groups, (both parties are guilty of this), we need term limits to get the old guys who has been treated like they are someone special out and get new guys, fresh ideas and normalcy into congress.

Everyone talks like the president himself made all the mistakes and has the power to do what he pleases. We have three branches of government, He is not alone in creating the mess nor is he alone in fixing it, nor will Obama or McCain be alone in fixing it or doing it.

We has a nation need to hold all of our representatives feet to the fire and force change from all of them. A crook is a crook, just as many democrats as repulicans are in prisons and just as many of our congressman prob should be.

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I totally agree with you jamesb. Democrats are very quick to blame Bush for all our problems but completely ignor the Barney Franks and Nancy Pelosis of their own party.
TomT, to a certain extent you're right. But there are also some of us who lean a bit left of center, who feel Bush, Frank, and Pelosi all deserve a lot of the blame--but unfortunately, we don't live in Frank's or Pelosi's district, so we can't vote against them. The only one we can vote against, indirectly, is Bush, by voting against the person many (rightly or wrongly) perceive to be Bush's Padawan, McCain.
Assuming that's the case--you do realize that there are also claims that McCain isn't eligible, either, as he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. And while Snopes (and others, including the courts, as linked multiple times above) have shown that Obama is, indeed, eligible for the presidency, there is still uncertainty regarding McCain's eligilbility in Snopes's eyes...

I'm not going to debate Obama's natural-born citizenship status because I haven't seen enough on either side to engage in that discussion. But as far as McCain goes, don't put all your stock in Snopes being the ultimate, irrefutable source on these types of questions. Do your own research and decide for yourself. It took me all of about five minutes to find information regarding "natural-born citizen" status from sources much more credible than Snopes. The information I found leads me to believe that Snopes' "uncertainty regarding McCain's eligilbility" claim is complete horse squeeze.



ABROAD: When the first citizenship law was enacted by the First Congress in 1790, the definition of citizenship embraced the status of children born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent. This is what was said:

"And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond the sea, or out of the

limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United

States". (Act of March 26th, 1790, 1 Stat. 103).

Citizenship would be transmitted at birth to a child born abroad to a U.S. citizen father provided only that the father had ever previously “been resident” in the United States. Even more noteworthy is that all such children were to be considered "natural born" citizens at birth abroad.

Thus, while the Constitution itself was mute on the intent of the country's founders in terms of who was to be defined as a citizen at birth, a majority of the Members of the First Congress made it clear that such citizenship could be acquired both at home and abroad. Given that many of the Members of this First Congress had been active participants in the drafting and adoption of the Constitution, there can be little doubt that what they were doing was fully congruent with the implications of the Constitution too.


2. U.S. Code, Title Eight, Chapter 12, Subchapter III, Part I, Subsection 1403-Persons born in the Canal Zone or Republic of Panama on or after February 26, 1904:

(a) Any person born in the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this chapter, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States.

(b) Any person born in the Republic of Panama on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this chapter, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States employed by the Government of the United States or by the Panama Railroad Company, or its successor in title, is declared to be a citizen of the United States.


Now I'm no attorney or legal scholar, but based on those two things, it seems pretty clear to my layman's eyes that Senator McCain is a natural-born U.S. Citizen, as defined by U.S. law.
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But there are also some of us who lean a bit left of center, who feel Bush, Frank, and Pelosi all deserve a lot of the blame--but unfortunately, we don't live in Frank's or Pelosi's district, so we can't vote against them.


Who are your reps? If they're Democrats, did they follow right along with their "Sith" masters Frank and Pelosi? If so, then vote them out of office. If they're Republican, and you're not happy with their performance, vote them out too. Too many people have forgotten that the real power in the Federal gov't lies in the Congress. If more voters kept that in mind, and held their reps accountable at the polls, then those same reps would adhere more to the will of the people.

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