Lebanon evacuation question

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Bill V

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2001
Reaction score
Brooklyn Park, MN
Without getting at all into the politics involved in the Lebanon/Israel conflict itself, I have a question about the evacuations currently going on, that I was hoping someone here might be able to provide some insight on.

For the last several days, the US has been evacuating thousands of US citizens from Beirut and other parts of Lebanon. Some of these are employees, working there at the embassy or otherwise on our behalf, and I fully agree with the need to protect those who are acting in such a capacity.

But most of those being evacuated aren't in those roles--they're American citizens who have decided to take vacations in Beirut. And now, they're complaining that they're not being rescued quickly enough.

I can understand us mobilizing to rescue American citizens stranded by a natural disaster, or by unexpected military action in a supposedly "safe" part of the world. But this is Beirut--one of the most militarily active parts of the world for quite some time.

Why is it the US's (and thus, the American taxpayers') responsibility to rescue those who choose to put themselves in harm's way?

Once again, I'm not asking this with an agenda. If there's some part of the situation I'm not comprehending, or informed on, I'm eager to learn. And also, once again, I'm not at all asking any questions about the Israel/Lebanon conflict, and I don't wish for this to turn into a post to air your gripes about that specific situation. I'm just asking generally about how far our responsibilities reach with regard to rescuing Americans from predictably dangerous areas.


It's every American's right to do stupid things, take no personal responsibility and then pi$$ and moan at the federal government when they don't respond quickly enough to protect them from themselves.

Can you say "New Orleans?"

I heard they have to sign a promissory note if they don't have the ability to pay right now...
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You think the US has it bad? Canada is trying to evacuate 40,000 of them from Lebanon right now. Apperently only about 10,000 are tourists the rest are dual citizens that live there. I really don't see why we should be hauling people that don't work and pay taxes here out of a country that they choose to live in. It has also been said that they won't have to pay anything for this mass evacuation. The thing that gets me even more is they are then on the news complaining about how bad their transportation was getting out. Well boo-hoo, stay there if you don't want to get on cramped boat.

End of rant

Because that is what we do. No matter the reason for them being there, they are an American. We protect ourselves. We always have and we always will.

Smaller scale, "Leave no one behind." Sound familiar? Totally different I agree. But in reality, it is the same..

I have been sent to more than a few countries to bring home people that put themselves in bad spots. I may think they are a fool for doing so, but I will do all I can to get them to safety..

Just as a matter of interest, I believe the State Department has recommended for years that Americans NOT go to Beirut.

Now complain when we (taxpayers) bail their dumba$$ out.

CB said it best, 'Nanny-state thinking'.
TJR and Adam, don't forget, it could also be Climax Pa. It's not far from Intercourse Pa if you take the right roads!!!!:lol:

Anyway, about the original topic. With all going on over in that part of the world, if you are American, why the hell would you go there? Knowing the way they feel toward Americans and all. Not smart thinking in my opinion. I'm not going to say we should leave them there, but they did it to themselves. I mean, come on. You don't have the be a rocket scientist to know that, it will NEVER be safe for any "American" to live over there. As I said before, just my opinion.

Oh, and thank you.:D

I can't imagine why anyone would go to Lebanon on vacation anyway!

Hmmm... I think I'm going to go to a war-torn nation ran by terrorists! Sound fun?
Bill V, et al,

I think some folks have the wrong idea about what's been going on in Lebanon for the last few years. It's actually been quite peaceful - that being a relative term, of course. But, there hasn't been any bombings or fighting going on until the Hezbollah (and their Syrian/Iranian backers?) decided to stir things up. Some folks here just need to get the facts, instead of relying on their perceptions.

According to news reports, many of the Americans vacationing there have relatives in the country. Hmmm, I gotta wonder how it would go over on this site if you were told you couldn't visit your relatives in Louisiana, or Mississippi, because, hell, they had a hurricane there last year, and you just never know.

Others vacationers were probably looking for a more "exotic" location. I can kind of empathize with that. I lived in Europe for 9 years, and traveled quite a bit. Most of the cities there, that tourists typically go to, are BORRRRING. Anyway, up until a couple of weeks ago, those folks weren't in any danger.

Y'know, there are actually people in this world who don't live in fear everyday. Do you remember how you felt after 9/11? That you weren't going to let terrorists control your psychological environment? That you weren't going to cower in the corner waiting for the next attack? Do you remember any of that?
Kefguy, you have good points. BUT this is an area that houses TERRORISTS. I don't care how "Exotic" it sounds, it's not a smart move to go there if you are American. I just think that if you go there, you do so under your own accord. Don't bitch moan and complain when your a** is in the middle of missile attacks. You wanted the "exotic". You got it. JMO again.;)
The way i look @ it is if you are stupid enough to live or vacation in a place as sorry as the middle east, ( With all of the ongoing wars & fighting ) then your life & health is in YOUR OWN HANDS. Don't ask us to save you from yourself....... Man o Man.
I've been to a few exotic places in my day. Not exactly vacations, but it does give you bragging rights when you can say you've stepped on North Korean soil, even if it was just ten feet into the country and within a building.

Some people just like to be adventurous. Whether it is on top of Mt Everest, the bottom of the Grand Canyon, or Beirut Lebanon, humans will rescue their own, because it is the humane thing to do.
On one hand I see no problem protecting our own, certainly any of our citizens that are there representing our country, and hey if were going to be there to evacuate anyway we might as well help out any American citizen that needs it. The big problem I have is seeing some of the people on the news complaining about it. Specifically on Wednesday I was watching Fox News and there was a lady on there who was going on and on about how terrible of a job we were doing evacuating people. If I remember correctly her husband and some other relative were in Lebanon on VACATION and she was complaining they they were not getting them out fast enough. She was very upset that when she called the embassy and other government offices that she kept getting the same answer which was, "we are doing the best we can to get everyone out". Did she expect that they would be able to tell her about 2 people out of thousands or that they could or would direct their effort to help her. Unfortunately it has become the same with many emergency responses now whether it be a natural disaster or humanitarian effort or whatever there are always so many people to criticize that we are not doing enough or not doing it right instead of being thankful for what we are doing. To the rest of the world it makes it look like we are bumbling idiots who can not take care of ourselves. I think if you are going to live below sea level you can expect a flood, if you build your house in tornado alley expect a tornado eventually, and if you take a vacation to an unstable part of the world your just asking for trouble. If you have trouble and someone tries to help you be thankful not criticle, and dont blame others for the chances that you have chosen to take.

I agree firedog. People should be grateful when perfect strangers are willing to risk their own lives to save them from things they could have prevented.
Did you guys know that the good ol' USA has been known to house terrorists? Yet people enter this country by the thousands everyday. Are they freakin' nuts or what?

You have to be aware that your perceptions can be shaped by what you see in the news, and that what you see in the news is what the media finds, well, newsworthy. That's sh*t like crime, terrorism, natural disasters, and the like. If the only things you "knew" about this country was that there was a lot of crime in the cities, that terrorists kill people by crashing airplanes and blowing up buildings, and that hurricanes, earthquakes, rains/floods, tornadoes, and fires kill people and destroy property, would you come here?

Do you think we ought to have a mandatory removal of all the people along the eastern seaboard or the Gulf coast because hurricanes happen there and we don't want to bothered, or have to pay, for their woes when a hurricane does hit? Might as well force the movement of all those idiots along the Pacific rim too because they're susceptible to earthquakes. But, hell, where're we going to make them move to? Got all of those tornadoes in the Midwest, droughts in the Southwest deserts, and floods in the Heartland. God knows, nobody should live in any of those areas with all of that going on. I was thinking we could move'em all to the great North, but damn, all those freezes and blizzards and power outages. And hell, that just covers the natural disasters - haven't even covered the crime statistics, and terrorism alert levels yet.

We Americans have a history and a culture of taking care of our own. If we don't get these people out, where do you draw the line? What happens the next time?