Letter to George W. Bush

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Gavin Allan

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
Jefferson City, MO
I have supported Bush since the primaries, and have supported the Republicans since Nixon, but Bush's stance for immigration is the last straw for me!!

I will not vote for anyone who endorses Bush's ideas that are so unfair to current citizens and which borderline on constitutional merit against those who are trying to curb the illegal activity of immigration that THIS administration has allowed.

Bush took and oath to DEFEND the constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. What has he and the Republican legislators done since he took his first oath? His current positions insult me and every conservative in this great country. Bush's ideas are MOCKERY of everything we know as being wise and just. The White House has become the House of SHAME! Its actually embarrassing to admit that I voted for any Republican .....

Bush and the Republicans in the House and Senate have been in charge since Bill Clinton. They are the ONLY ones to blame for the mess that this country's in is in. They are the ONLY ones who have been in control for the last 7 years--the REPUBLICANS. I'm currently ashamed to call myself one............

ALL of my friends who voted for Bush are now against him!!! I honestly cannot name one person in the last four weeks that likes anything that the Republicans are doing--NOT A SINGLE PERSON!!! We're disgusted with the Vice President and his Halliburton and big oil connections and now this immigration with Bush.

What is your real agenda: to destroy the Republicans for another 30 years and allow so much damage that the Democrats will get total control for the next three generations? You're doing a good job at making this come a reality! We worked hard to get the Senate and the House and your pussy footing around and finding "safe zones" on issues has jeopardized this rare opportunity. We had a chance to shine but instead we have lost your way as to what is important. I don't want a $100 tax rebate, I want the laws enforced that make sense, and you are not doing that.

Think about this: to travel, I have to take everything out of my clothes,

even take my shoes off, but the current administration and both houses have allowed 12 MILLION ILLEGALS to enter this country with NO PENALTY???? I wish I could get out of a seat belt violation as easy as this!!!

The Republicans are going to lose control of both Houses and the Presidency because we, the REAL Republicans, can't vote for the Democrats who are nothing more than socialist pigs, but we also can't be a hypocrite by voting for someone who promised to be another Reagan but ended up being a flower child!!!

The Republicans will loose because you give its memberships no reason to come out and vote.

Mr.. Bush, start taking REAL stands on REAL issues again instead of this

middle of the road safety zone baloney your promoting. The majority of

Americans do NOT WANT THE ILLEGALS HERE and we want them out NOW. IF they broke the law to come in here we don't want them taking oaths that they will defend the constitution. That is hypocrisy at its highest!

I must tell you how I feel. I believe Bush has received poor advice from someone and this is NOT the Bush I remember.

Republicans at all levels have hurt our government so badly. I am SO ASHAMED to be a Republican. I have no party that represents me--the Democrats are too Communistic and Liberal for me. I will not vote Democratic either.

Whatever happened to the Republican Party?
Gavin...you eloquently took the words out of my mouth...I too am very disapointed that I voted for Bush...But I cant see myself voting for socialist Dems...It is time for some new blood that will honor our constitution and not change with the whims of political correctness...

I really feel that we are on the verge of a new USA that we wont recognize or have the freedoms were born with...JMO, Iam 56yrs old and I dont like what the wind is blowing in..
ditto - can you imagine how much fuel and electricity those illegals consume ? - we would all be better off with 5% less consumption - boot them all!

I recently change my registration to Independant - not 1 call from Rep party!
Republicans at all levels have hurt our government so badly. I am SO ASHAMED to be a Republican. I have no party that represents me--the Democrats are too Communistic and Liberal for me. I will not vote Democratic either.

There's really no difference between the Republican or Democrat parties today.

Sounds like it's time for you to check out the Libertarian Party.
I'd like to hire an illegal to wash my ST every weekend. I think my neighbor is an illegal immigrant, He has an Escalade in his driveway and his wife and kids get free medical. Life is good for him, while I work 12 hours a day 6 days a week, because I decided to own my own business and on top of it get bled dry by payroll taxes, income taxes, corporation taxes, unemployment taxes, worker's comp insurance increases through the roof(No claim has ever been made), gas through the roof. Ok yeah, I'm venting but as a business owner, taxes are insane!!!! And i would never hire an illegal worker even though it would help my bottom line immensely. From my point f view, yes, there's a need for immigrants, but not as many as what's already here. Here in NY overpopulation is horrible, 20 to 30 people are living in houses made for a family of 4. One incident where a fire broke out and about 10 died because they couldnt get out. Immigrants are setting up their own little worlds in NY. For example, The Korean's all live in a certain area. All the store signs are in Korean, the addresses have been taken off the buildings, the streets are filled with push carts, sidewalk stands, people urinating, garbage everywhere, and they have pushed out original businesses such as grocery stores and replaced them with makets that only sell Korean foods. Businesses like plumbers, electricians, and locksmiths are gone because they have their own unskilled, illegal labo force, and non tax paying companies to do the work. I have lost 80 percent of my customers in this area because they won't use my services because I'm American and they have been bold enough to tell me thats the reason. Ok, my ranting is done- off to my 12 hour day, oh wait today's friday so it's 15 hours.
I work 12 hours a day 6 days a week, because I decided to own my own business and on top of it get bled dry by payroll taxes, income taxes, corporation taxes, unemployment taxes,


You need to check out the Fair Tax. Small business owners such as yourself will benefit greatly from this. All of the taxes you mentioned would be eliminated.
Lets just hope none of these "real republicans" ever do get elected. We have allredy sufferd plenty of humilation and shame around the world. Hell these real republicans will be dragging everyone thats not there type (WASP) out into the streets and shooting them. They my even build special places for them to be held and who knows what else???? Republican my ass more like a bunch of neo nazis and socilal elitests whom think that the world is there oyster by right of birth. The reason he is for all this is to supply a cheap source of labor so corprates can further profit at the expence of the blue colar americans, not because he cares about the hispanic populations plight in america today.
Actually the president says this:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Nothing about foreign or domestic enemies, you're thinking of the armed forces.

Personally, I want the illegals here, but legally. That why they can start paying taxes. I say make it a little easier to get in legally, have them pay taxes, and then when they realize how good they don't have it they'll leave. The trick is to get people to stop paying them under the table and demand they have working cards of proof they are here legally. Whenever I got a job I had to either provide working papers when I was under 18 or my Social Security Card.
My feeling is that big business benefits from illegals, big business controls the flow of money in elections, so big business gets what it wants. Wages for people in the service and labor sector are stagnant because illegals will work cheaper. Businesses say that illegals do the jobs no one else will do, but thats wrong. Illegals work for wages no one else will. If there were fewer illegals, the jobs would get done, but tomatoes and hamburger patties would cost a nickel more, and my sons Happy Meal would be a quarter more....:(
:lol: I like what walter said...

I think George Bush for once did the right thing with this... I guess that makes me a liberal.

I think you Conservatives like walter said have no real solutions to offer outisde of GET OUT!

The people of this country have spoken and I think a majority of them agree with Bush at this point. Like it or not... Of course the righties will be all pissy about it, but hey you will be alright worry more about China and Russia they are your real enemy.

This is the same ole rehashed immigrant conversation.... I know plenty of good ole Americans getting over every single day but I do think... illegals should not get free health care unless critically wounded, welfare should be to help folks who need it and only temporary one kid and that's your fill, construction workers should be able to get UNemployement only ONCE!!! Not every year in the winter when they get laid off...

There goes that dueling banjos music in my head again... Rich, You should embed an MP3 of the song on every one of these political posts. makes them more entertaining.

NYJohn said:
t bled dry by payroll taxes, income taxes, corporation taxes, unemployment taxes, worker's comp insurance increases through the roof(No claim has ever been made), gas through the roof. Ok yeah I'm venting as a business owner

Same here. No comp claims for me either and my rate is up 30% each of the last 3 years. OTOH very very few illegals here because they're smart enough to go where the work is and that isn't Pittsburgh. There are literally less people here every year, not more.

The Republicans have forgotten their conservative roots that got them into power in the first place. Still, the time to beat on them is in the primaries. In November we've still got to turn out to vote for them even if we have to hold our noses. If the Dems take over things will only get worse.

We need some conservative bomb throwers like Newt back in Washington.
Not going to disagree with parts of what you said Gavin, but to say this Republican administration is the ONLY one to blame for the mess we're in is extremely way off base. Political debates will never end, that's politics ... but many of these problems existed well before dubya came into the pic. Add up the issues we face now, they're all very difficult to handle ... no good answer that will please everyone. At least he's tackling them instead of chasing tail and squirming his way out of one scandal after another.
All 12 million illegals didn't just come across the river in the past 7 years. I remember it being an issue in San Diego when I was a kid in the late 1960s . K-Mart back then made all PA announcements in English and Spanish, and about a third of my classmates had hispanic names.

Also, all 12 million are not from Mexico. There may be a large majority, but I know from first-hand experience we have illegals from Portugal, Vietnam, and Korea as well.

The reason the issue seems to be caused by the Republicans is because they control the government today, and this has become a public debate during their leadership. This issue could have come up during the Clinton era and then the Democrats would have been to blame. One thing for certain is that George Bush didn't personally let them all in by his actions or inaction.

This whole debate reminds me of the racial clashes of the 1960s. Once again it is the white majority that is stereotyping and being predjudiced towards a minority. My Puerto Rican fiancee is having to put up with this crap on an almost daily basis, just because people are ignorant of the fact that Puerto Rico is a part of the US. People just assume that since she has an accent, that she is an illegal, ignorant and living off of the US welfare system. The fact is, she makes six figures as an Engineer (both Electrical and Industrial Engineering, with two non-technical Masters degrees in Management).

One thing that bugs me too, is that the people that do support illegals support it because of the cheap labor. Gee, what a novel idea. We can bring people from another country to work for us for almost nothing. Heck, they'll work just to have a roof overhead and food. Sounds a lot like slavery to me, or indentured servitude. I guess we haven't learned much in the past 40 years or even the past 140 for that matter.

It's threads like this that have kept me away from this website the past few weeks. I'm not going to the National ST meet either, because I don't want to hang out which a bunch of bigots. Sorry to the ones that aren't bigots, but I just won't put up with listening to this stuff anymore. I nearly reach 7500 posts too. Oh well. I have other things to do, like paint my house and spend time with my family.
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