This is just so stupid. Why can't be using Linux easy?
Because Linux isn't designed to be a serious operating system to compete with Windows to be in every home. It's like a pet project of techs, and if it were easier to use, it would take away the prestige of those who love to use it.
Consider that most of the linux users are rabid fanboys who install linux on EVERYTHING from TI graphing calculators to PSPs to Wiis, to anything that has a chip. They are with linux to everything electronic as zeus was to everything that moved. Check out any university--any community college--shoot, any high school's computer science classes, and then tell me it isn't true.
(Of course, if you ask these fanboys what they can DO with their linux installs, they'll get all indignant and tell you that it isn't what you can do--which is nothing--rather, it's the fact that putting linux on there can be done.)
Sure, linux CAN be used to run some servers, and it works great to get at a dead hard drive, or run utility programs to wipe your hard drive, but as a full fledged OS for normal use, it fails.
It has 2 modes--text based (unix rip off) and GUI, which is in ubuntu what would happen if windows and osx had a kid, and the child lost all of the convenience of both. Which is why the rest of the world still uses one of those other 2 operating systems--because why bother with a lite version of them when you have the real thing?
It is listed, but it says "Not available for your hardware architecture".
Don't feel bad, linux isn't even compatible between all versions. Mint != Ubuntu != red hat.....
This is what pissed me off about Linux the last time I used it.
I knows.
It's amazing--all of the operating systems in use today are rips of unix, and yet the one that you'd think is closest (linux), sucks the hardest.