Locksmith question

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I'm sure that LaRue will wade in here since he is a locksmith.

From my perspective, If I were to decide to change the 4 exterior door locks, I would install something like a Kwik-Set or other reputable brand lock that allows the home owner/landlord to change the keying of the lock themselves. These locks often have a tiny pin hole that resets the lock and rekeys it to the next key put in the lock, and the old key does not work anymore. This is great for a rental where the tentents may come and go often, or they typically loose a set of keys when they move out.

I have that kind of locks on my new house and when I closed I was given the new keys and told to insert the key in each lock and lock and unlock the so that the locks would be pregrammed for the new keys and the key the builder used to get in an out would no longer work.

Mark,,, here is what I would suggest. For a rental property go to Lowes or home Depot, etc and buy Kwikset Smart Key locks. DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT buy Schlage.....!!!!! You should be able to buy 2 or 3 combo packs with the same key. If not, you have the capability to re-key your self. REMEMBER THIS!!! KEEP AN ORIGINAL KEY IN CASE THEY LOOSE THEIRS. You can't re-key without one AND they can't be picked.. so if they lock themselves out or loose their keys, the locks have to be replaced. 90% of the time. Charge the tenant for it. Some locksmiths can reset these locks but the have to be unlocked and off the doors. Here in Sumter, it's 40$ service call and 10$ per keyhole to rekey. Plus keys. 3$

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FaIRKlrgitE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Yep, That exactly the Kwik Key lock system I have in my new house, and I would recommend it to anyone.

The new u-change locks have PLASTIC side bars and can be defeated pretty easily. Kwiksets are plastic too, but made a whole lot better.

The real schlages are better locks, but you can't hardly find them anymore.
Glad you mentioned that LaRue, always thought Schlage was the "Snap-On" of locks. Things change.
Yea Steve,,, Schlage has gone so far downhill. Kwikset on the other hand has really stepped up their game. Don't get me wrong, they still have their crap locks, but overall.... I hate to say it.... Kwikset is a better choice.
Thank you for all the advise. I'm going to head to the hardware store and purchase the Kwikset's for my rental and main home.

Do I get a random key made up for replacement or does Kwikset have new keys pre-made?
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Mark, If you have to purchase different keyed locks, save one of the "old" keys to have as new key-able keys. If not you can probably ask the hardware store if they have some factory KW keys just laying around. They usually will.... If not, when the time comes, I can send you a couple
I'm going to replace the rental locks with the Kwickset Smartkeys.

Turns out all my locks at my new house are Kwickset Smartkeys!! I don' know if I have the original key (I probably do) but I definitely do not have the tool to reset the lock.
At my primary residence I had a locksmith come out to key all the keys the same. The were Kwikset.

When I later added security screen doors, I got Kwikset deadbolts with the smartkey and changed them to match the rest.

When I turned my Pebble Beach vacation home into a rental I changed all the outside locksets and used Schlage as I liked the 'master key' approach better than the tab tool that Kwikset uses. (Sorry LaRue. I wasn't aware of your insight about the plastic parts.)

I have noticed one weird thing with the Schlage master key and I don't really know what is going on. When I later tried to use the 'master' key. I could not inset the key into the key slot. I ended up have to have Home Depot cut me a new master key and that worked. Since then. I noticed that neither master key will insert into the key slot. It is as if the master keys have swollen up and are now too thick to fit into the slot. I know the master key seems to be made from a different metal compound (and is tinted blue) It is like the master keys are slightly thicker and/or have a different coefficient of expansion value. LaRue, Have you heard of this happening along your travels?

Bob, no experience with your problem. I just know these locks are crap. Schlage has discontinued making them also. HORRAY... The blue key had a different grove than the standard sc1 key. That's what helped it go into rekey position. As far as I know, it was never intended to be the actual "working" key. I don't have any but I do think it was a little larger in thickness. Not sure. Just did some more checking, A lot of locksmiths are blogging that the 1 st and or 2nd pins get caught an won't allow the key to go in. Others complain about the lock going into rekey mode while using the regular key. I've hated these things since day one. The Kwikset locks are still not the best made but I use them a lot more and 90+% of the installed are still working. The is a company that makes a commercial u-changit lock that works well but it's just a commercial mortise lock.


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Thanks for the update LaRue. That is exactly what I am experiencing. The master key wont go into the lock.

Now I have to decide if I want to go through the expense of changing the locks again when the renters move out. I am looking a having to buy 3 door/deadbolt sets. I would rather not have that expense if I didn't have to.


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