Long Distance relationship.. Good or Bad?

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Actually, you should always EXPECT monogamy. Unfortunately, too many people don't have the discipline and morals to actually follow through. That has led to an attitude in our society that these mistakes should be forgiven, if the person REALLY loves the one that screwed up. It has almost become acceptable behavior.

This type of attitude is pretty common in the Western world, and it is one of the things that the middle eastern cultures are trying to keep from their societies. Pretty weird how some folks' personal choices help to drive global problems such as the AIDS epidemic in Africa and terrorist attacks around the World.
LDR...it works...for me anyways...

met my girl online...:D:D:

she is from LA, Cali and I was in Norfolk/Arlington, VA...was long distance for 5 years...got married last December...now living in cali...happily ever after...

but wants to go back to Virginia though...

and yes 2 hrs is nothing...and u see each other every weekend...
Nelson is correct. Even married couples have problems with that. It is very sad.

Personally, I would not say it is discipline or morals, but respect. Love is just not having a deep affection for another person, it is having respect for that person. Some say, "Love is never having to say 'I am sorry'". That does not mean that you shouldn't say sorry, but not doing something to the other person that would hurt them is love.

Couples do not respect each other like they should. Out of respect for the other person, you would not cheat on him/her. If the other person in the relationship cheats on you, that person does not respect you. Without respect, there is no love. If they really loved you, they would not have done that in the first place.

Some might dis-agree with that, but that was how I was raised.

Caymen said:
Nelson is correct. Even married couples have problems with that. It is very sad.

Not me. I couldn't get laid to save my life when I was single and trying. Now that I'm married and NOT trying, it'll never happen. :lol: I can't figure out how all these people get lucky with people other than their spouse. Maybe I'm ugly....
Ok, it seems like my post was taken too seriously. Asking a question like this about relationships is like asking everyone what is the best color sport trac to buy. It's a loaded question. It can be good, and it can be bad....you be the judge.
2 hours is not a long drive. Just let it develop and see what happens. It is all you can do. Think of it this way-since you should be friends too...I don't see my best friends every week and each lives only 1/2 hour away. Would it be more or less if they were 2 hours away? I would always make the time for them and probably the same-once every 6 weeks or so. They are important to me and a part of my life. If this woman is to be a part of your life-you will find a way. Some people are not willing to drive more than an hour-even 1/2 hour to be with someone. To me-that is outrageous-why push away a good relationship for the mere reason that you live a 2 hour drive away? At least you are willing to se each other each weekend. BUT-you need to communicate over the phone-buy inexpensive calling cards, get the same cell service-most these days have plans for subscribers where if you have the same plan it doesn't affect your minutes-email becomes very static. Work it out so you can talk-make a plan to talk once or twice a week. It doesnt have to be every night-sign up for AIM-at least it's a live chat. LDR's are not easy, but they can work. NO realtionship is easy-at least not all the time. Best of luck.

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