Looking for a rear door latch

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Jun 5, 2021
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Hey everyone, I’ve looked all over online but can’t find a thing. I’m looking for door latches for the rear doors on my 2005 sport trac. Anyone know where to find these?
What's wrong with your latch?
What's wrong with your latch?
The rear passenger door handle has trouble opening. I feel like if it wears any more that handle is gonna come off before the door opens.
Yes, for aftermarket. R/A carries some OE Ford parts, but not door latches.

Only front latches listed. No rear latches.
Yes, I have replaced the front latches for the same reason above. Now the doors open great. I was going through lock actuators like crazy and then a buddy of mine told me to replace the latch, it’s probably what’s wearing them down so fast. On the bright side I can replace an actuator in 15 minutes now.
Agree, parts are getting very scarce with these 20+ year old trucks. Did you try searching by part number?

Found a new rear passenger latch, but the seller's description is suspect. Only found used for rear driver latch. GL


I really need the passenger side more than the driver side. But thanks for the help!
Another issue is the 'rattling door'.
The plastic bushing on the door 'catch' pin breaks off or wears too much.
I just cut a piece of hard rubber tubing and slipped it onto the 'neck' where the other one broke off.
Obviously you have to remove the 'catch' to do it, so make sure you remember where it was positioned before removing it.
^ For those non DIY'ers needing door striker bushings. eBay replacements linked below are excellent and fit well on OEM door strikers. Outline the striker with a pencil or Sharpie before loosening and removal. I don't believe Ford sells the plastic striker bushings separately and the aftermarket Dorman 38445 complete striker replacements are very soft metal and suck. BTDT.


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