Looking for ideas on where to mount a CB

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Andy Cabrera

Active Member
Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
I'm looking to open an old thread that got very limited response, maybe others have addressed this by now.

I'm looking to install a CB in my '02. I have a high console in my ST. ( the smaller 2 piece would have made it easy like in Dave Meyer's project)

I used Jason Wilson project to install the antenna on the roof, but now I need to get creative on the CB unit itself. It's a small 6"x 8" Radio Shack Sport unit.

Anyone have pix of their installation?
I mounted my Uniden Pro510XL (little CB but when tuned, powerful) on the driverside of the center console, on the side of the front by the dash. I'll look and see if I have some pics when my wife gets home and fixes the computer. On my Iphone now. I have an '03 and it was a pain to find a good mounting place out of the way but not hidden. I used self tappers and rubber hole sleeves as washers for vibration so it wouldn't shake itself loose. I'll have to make a project listing for it.:)
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Since no one but Burt Reynolds has ever used a CB, it might actually be kinda convenient. Free airtime, a halfway decent range, and greater convenience when trying to convoy around then trying to talk on a cellphone.

Sure, bluetooth integration to the radio makes these advantages moot, but a cell doesn't have the cool codes and abbreviations, the need to wait for the other guy to finish before you start talking, nor the cool mike.

Since the ST is so devoid of interior space, Jerry's suggestion is the only one that I can think of either.

BTW, tjr, the Flux Capacitor always looked like it was some sort of spark-gap harboring hoojit, so it would cause massive RF interference on the CB.

Don't knock it man.

I first was introduced to the CB growing up in NYC.

These things are great for road trips. Add this to GPS, the radar detector and you have total information.

1. Real-time road and traffic updates

2. Local information

3. Weather updates

Thankfully they are no longer as popular as they were once (so the instigators are now on Twitter & Facebook), the CB radio is still an incredibly valuable tool for trips is a great form of vehicle-to-vehicle communication on the road. CB radios allow you to tap into an extensive network of real-time information about your surroundings, which provides numerous benefits, especially speed traps which my radar detector may detect too late if the police are using laser. Also I know my GPS will reroute me if there is a backup ahead, but Ever been stuck in slow-moving traffic, wondering when you'd finally pass the problem-causing bottleneck? With a CB, by communicating with drivers miles ahead, can quickly ascertain a source and location of a problem.

Access to this information allows you to plot alternate routes faster, helping you avoid hours of unnecessary delays. Additionally, CB owners are extremely diligent about reporting accidents and road obstructions.

As a CB owner, you'll know about dangerous wrecks or objects in the road miles before they have the potential to cause a deadly accident. No other device provides the type of timesaving, accident-preventing information that a CB radio can deliver.

It may be Lo-Tech, but adding it to the new high tech devices can get you where you need to go without frustration of needless delays.

Dr. Emmett Brown :D

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They are also the best interstate / freeway / expressway radar detectors!

Just chat up with the truckers on your route, and they will tell you which mile markes are hiding the black and whites.
Well,,,, When I have my 03, I had a Cobra 25 mounted in the center console..I had the short one and it fit in the front little tray with velcro...

Now have a 08 with a full console. No room for the cobra 25 so i got a small Cobra 19 DX IV Compact CB Radio and with verlcro I mounted it on the drives side of the console... This little radio works great with a Trucker 2000 mag mount on my roof... can pick up about 10 miles, but only get out about 5 miles. This is good enough for me to run highways. I like the mag mount for ease.... With it on, my clearance is about 10 feet, not good in some places. only 2 seconds to take it off. And with it off you can hide the fact you have a CB....
Here is your solution. Since you have the tan interior, as I do, just remove your console and send it to me. In return I'll send you my "low" version back and you can mount the CB. Then we'll both be happy!!:lol::lol::lol:
I tried to pose this question a while back for the Gen 2 and mounting a scanner. Same replies... I guess no one uses scanners/CB's anymore? I guess I'll have to get creative and find a place. :banana:
I posted Cb's in the swap and sell a while back, and you had to see the way 'HELPFUL" replies I received.....

I Sold them on ebay in 2 days to truck drivers for almost double the pricing I had here....

People use the CB every day, it is just not as widely used as it used to be..

Todd Z

You can get a magnetic mount antenna and drop it out the rear window.

Or get a bumper mount with a quick release so you can store the antenna in the bed.

There are many antennas you can use from simple metal to full load whips. I use a 4 foot full load whip on a Radio Shack magnetic mount. My Dakota had a 10 foot whip. It's up to how you use it.

Yea, but another antenna? I have never been a fan of little metal rods sticking out of the body, and if I knew a better way to get an FM signal (other than satellite) without the need of an antenna, I would go there for sure! Every time I see one, I feel like those guys in the "Think with your dipstick" commercials from Castrol.

Just a little oddity with me.
......... I've been known to think with my dipstick!:lol::lol::lol: and I don't have a problem with antennae that serve the purpose.:blink:
