Man gets fined for not paying taxes on home made bio fuel

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Jeff C

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Auburn, AL
Ha! They said he didn't pay road use taxes and they fined him for being an unlicensed fuel distributor. Typical of our government.
So much for being the Land of the Free. Don't see how this harmed anyone?

Our Government at it's best. Greedy as usual.

" the state collects $1.2 billion each year to pay for road construction."

Do we really believe that state uses that much money on their roads? I wonder how people that live in that state feel about all the road work being done?

oh this was classic...I loved this line " "We're not here to hurt the small guy, we're just trying to make sure that the playing field is level."

They do it to save money, reduce pollution or thumb their noses at oil sheiks.

So, they fine the little pay taxes on "his alternative" to survine, because he drives a vehicle on roads we dub as "free ways"

amazng huh? :rolleyes:

What I find unbelievable is that the state actually sends out revenue agents to check people's gas tanks for "illegal" fuel use.

The government here in WA are sending agents out to contruction sites. Apparently Diesel fuel for contruction equipment is much cheaper than the pump version for cars and trucks. It's actually pinkish in color. So, people are filling up with that since it's the same. These agents are checking to see if cars and trucks on the construction site are using and writing fines.

Home heating oil #2 dyed diesel is what they are using,,, home heating oil doesn't carry the same taxes.....

it is illegal here also for the construction machines to have red diesel in them..

Todd Z

I completely agree....

Todd Z
interesting. One is he was nabbed going to a nascar race. The series who's drivers used to be moonshine drivers. So VegOil is the new moonshine. lol.

On the flip side, here in Texas we can get our 29.9 cent tax back at the end of the year for any gas or diesel put in forklifts and other vehicles not used on the road. I think we can also submit gas used in boats and that money goes to parks and wildlife instead of the road fee. I guess it works both ways.

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