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Good game planner, poor game adjuster. Not a great people motivator, either. He may turn out better in his next assignment, ala Belicheck after Clevaland.
After what he did to his "mentor" with the videogate snafu (as most other teams were doing the same thing) he just may be blackballed in the NFL.............

Who would want him on their staff?....He may find to only alternative now is the CFL or maybe Arena-Ball..........
I wish JJ would do the same with Wade Phillips

Wade isn't the problem. JJ himself is the problem. This is what you get when an owner acts as the general manager.
I agree with TomT about Jerry Jones having too much hands on with the players and what goes on on the field. I don't think Wade Phillips is a bad coach as much as JJ hires these renegade players that Wade has to get into the game.

I don't think TO was as much of a problem as people anticipated, However Pacman Jones has alwasy been worthless since he joined the Cowboys and Roy Williams looked like he was on drugs during yesterday's game. Romo has the portential to be a great QB but he cannot do it alone. When the team is clicking on all cylinders Romo looks briliant. When the team looks like they did yesterday against the Eagles, they look like the Keystone Kops, or the 3 Stooges.

Yesterday's game between the Cowboys and Eagles was the worst game of professional football I have ever witnessed. There are a number of Texas high school teams that could have played a better game against the Eagles than the Cowboys did....What a joke for a team that was expected to be Superbowl bound!


I agree that was the worst game ever, unless you happend to be an Eagles Fan. I think Pacman, other than his fumble yesterday he's had a decent season, He was leading the league in batted down passes even during his suspension. (His unnecessary roughness was a bad call, the guy was an inch out of bounds and Jones was already in the process of throwing him down). The main problem I see in Wade Phillips is he's not tough enough on his players. I know you need to rest starters that are injured, but apparently they didn't have pads on any practice last week and didn't even do a Sat. walk through according to what I saw on the Cowboys Website.

I also agree Romo can be a great Quarterback, if the line blocks, and half the time when they don't block he still can make a play (take last years bad snap to which he was 33 yards behind the line of scrimmage and he still got +3 yards on the play. If you ever questioned his leadership skills, it was answered yesterday when he told the punt team to go back to the sideline and he ran a qb sneak for the 1st down. Also, remember it took Peyton Manning 4 playoff games to finally win one, and people are saying he could be the best quarterback ever.
I'm a Skins fan. I pray you all keep Wade. He is cursed! Ain't it a stink that Philly got in?! Those birds couldn't even beat us and are now in the flippin play offs! Yet the Patriots couldn't snag a ticket at 11-5!

This is a crazy playoff scenario!
The main problem I see in Wade Phillips is he's not tough enough on his players

What decade are you in? :D

High profile players like TO and Pacman are elevated far above a coaches status. If Wade came down hard on those guys he would be out the door.

Romo is WAY overrated.
I agree with TomT as far as Romo is concerned. Everytime he loses, he ends up hurt. At least Ben Worthlessburgher gets hit when he gets hurt.

Don't worry Jets fans, Bill Cower didn't accept the Cleveland Job. He's going to hold out for a team that is pretty much ready to go. He may just be heading your way.:D
After what he did to his "mentor" with the videogate snafu (as most other teams were doing the same thing) he just may be blackballed in the NFL.............

Who would want him on their staff?....He may find to only alternative now is the CFL or maybe Arena-Ball

Sorry, ply, but other teams were not taping defensive signals after receiving a specific, written warning from the NFL that the practice is illegal.

And his mentor, if you recall, locked him out of the building immediately after he accepted the Jets job. With a mentor like that, who needs enemies?


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