Mercon V

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Shawn Ford

Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Indianapolis, IN
What engine do you have?
V8 engine
What year is your Sport Trac?
What Generation is your Sport Trac?
2n Gen Owner
I am replacing everything in the power steering unit except the pump ( just replaced 2 years ago) but everything hoses, rack, and reservoir and getting replaced. I was wondering since everything else is going to be new if I still had to run mercon v or if I could run some new/different thru to flush the pump and then replace with my choice? Also looking for the reservoir I couldn’t find anything for the sport trac or just the explorer. I did put the part number in and found mustang of same year with that reservoir. I ordered a dorman cheepy replacement from Napa that the stock picture looked identical, hopefully it is.
You have to stay the same. all the aftermarkets must use the same fluid as oem.
Thank you Todd. Also the power steering reservoir dorman part number 603849 that I got from Napa which lead to their part number noe:60503821 is identical to what my second gen sport trac has. It is listed as a mustang power steering reservoir and I haven’t seen a listing for a sport trac reservoir anywhere yet
Does anyone know if brand matters?
For PowerSteeringFluid, use the same MerconV as what's in the AutoTrans;
a cheaper option that many prefer is Conventional Valvoline# 822345 from your local BigBoxStore;
personal preference is FullSyn AmsOil# ssmv\atf1g or RedLine# htatf1g\30205.
Routine here is to suction SteeringReservoir ~1/4qt, plus ~3/4qt from TransDipTube,
every 6mths & refresh both with 1qt of new MerconV, along with 6mth\4kMile Engin Oil+Filter change;
easy to dispose of these fluids together in same recycle container.
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Motorcraft sells a PS fluid now.... I use amsoil.

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