Miami Dolphins sign Clarett!!

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I am from Ohio, and I heard that last night he got pulled over, and had a few guns and drugs and alcohol in is vehicle. So probably won't be playing now.
yeah, he got in a highg speed chase after he made an illegal u turn, and then fefused to pull over. they used stop sticks to stop his suv. they then tryied to tazer him but it didnt work because he was wearing a bullit proof vest, so they ended up macing him. they found a loaded rifle and a couple of loaded hand guns in his suv. so i think that he cut his season short with this stunt!!
lasik1--You forgot to add to the list Mr. "I-was-on-the-boat-but-I-was-just-playing-dice-no-really", Daunte Culpepper... :)
Funny how now that Cincy has gotten better they took the title of 'Most Arrested' team in the NFL from the Vikings. Maybe there is something in the water there and Maurice was 'keeping hydrated' with it - and a bunch of 'Goose' (Grey that is).


Next he will have a face tattoo ala Tyson.

Doesn't this just make him more appealing to other teams though? I mean... he's got SPEED, he knows all about PROTECTION, He's well versed with the SHOTGUN, He can turn on a dime, he's got the performance-enhancing stimulants taken care of, and when it comes down to the endzone dance, the Electric Boogaloo via tazer is always entertaining....