Microsoft released its new Web browser today

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Ditto here with IE7. I like it. Tried Firefox but it was hum-drum for my use so I downloaded IE7 awhile back. It works for me, anyway.
I used NetScape Navigator years ago and it worked fine for me. At work, they had to drag me, kicking and screaming in protest before I would IE. I tried FoxFire but I still prefer IE.

I really think preferences are based on what you are accustomed to using. If you have not had any problems, there is probably no reason to change.

I use Safari at home and Firefox at work. IE was great for its time, but definitely is no comparison to Firefox and the wide range of plug ins you can get. IE7 is promising, but still too much of a beta to be bothered with. As for Safari? I'm absolutely addicted to the tabs, RSS, built in PDF printing, spell checking and dictionary lookup.
I have the Beta on my NEW DELL... (1) week after buying the PC, the IE that was on it crashed and would not recover..... tried the beta and I love it. It did take some getting used to. I will be installing the new version on my work PC today I believe...

Gavin, what version of Exchange server are you using at work. I am using Exchange 2003 and don't have any problems accessing the webmail with any version of IE7, including the betas. Maybe give the final release a shot and see if it works. Are you receiving error messages?

Anything and everything thats Microsoft I use. Great products, not very many issues in the past 5 years.

Microsoft kicks arse!

I'll put my vote in for Firefox,,,,,,,been using it for about a year, still use IE once in a while, but prefer Firefox for most browsing.
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Never cared for Firefox. Opera is still the best, hands down, but IE7 is definitely an improvement over IE6. MS plans to include it in an up-coming XP patch so everyone will be upgrading to IE7 soon.
Firefox here. Only time I use IE is if I need to access my work AOL from home, where AOL is not installed. Somehow IE works better with AOL than Firefox.
re: Microsoft released its new Web browser today by George C '02,10/19/2006 08:42 CT

Gavin, what version of Exchange server are you using at work. I am using Exchange 2003 and don't have any problems accessing the webmail with any version of IE7, including the betas. Maybe give the final release a shot and see if it works. Are you receiving error messages?


Hey George:

They are using Exchange 2003 here at work as well.

We have pretty much state of the art technology here at work as far as IT stuff goes, and our support staff seem to be on top of things, so I don't imagine that there is something with Exchange server that is too out of whack from ordinary setups. Many of us travel quite a bit, and we access our webmail from a variety of sources and all sorts of sometimes ancient technology, depending on where we are traveling from.

As a test, I put IE7 on my home computer, and left my wife's computer set up on IE6 (We both have one-month old Dell E510s connected through a cable modem and router setup. I could access my webmail from her computer, but not from mine, nor could I access it from a few other computers lately that were running IE7.

Maybe I'll try IE7 again and see if it works now when I get time. I liked IE7 otherwise, and it did seem to have some improvements over IE6. The tabs, though simple, are really helpful once you get used to using them.

Ok, just downloaded it and playing with it now. Have to say, it's faster on several sites I go to over FireFox. Much faster when I process the PayPal orders. I like the text change as it looks like it's a graphic now.

Importing Favorites from Firefox doesn't recognize the file format which is odd.