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These appear to be better and cheaper than the OEM leaf bushings.

Check the RB131 and RB159. Dimensions are in product description.
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If you're going to replace the front CA bushings, you might as well replace the whole control arm and get the new ball joints. If they are n ot worn yet, they will be soon... My RF ball joints are shot after 200k miles, they're really squeaky and loose... JMO..
If you're going to replace the front CA bushings, you might as well replace the whole control arm and get the new ball joints. If they are n ot worn yet, they will be soon... My RF ball joints are shot after 200k miles, they're really squeaky and loose... JMO..

I've only got 75k (literally passed it today) on the truck, and the ball joint didn't seem too damaged as I was inspecting. Are these not field replaceable? I thought I saw a catalog listing somewhere.

[Edit] Hey, cool, found a Ford link for maintenance of the ball joints on the ST, and various other vehicles: http://www.fordtechservice.dealerconnection.com/vdirs/protech/files/Balljoint_Inspection_Job_Aid_Final.pdf

About to pull the trigger for the following items:

ES 4.5155R Front Sway Bar Bushing Set

ES 4.3157G Front Control Arm Bushing Set

Moog K80085 Rear Sway Bar End Link Bushings

Question regarding the Ball Joint Press that people keep talking about. This looks like a promising kitl; would this be appropriate?

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Unless you need red bushings, get the graphite impregnated black ones (G Series).

Same hardness with less chance of noise. Info in the Energy Suspension FAQ section.

You can rent the ball joint press kit at most auto parts stores with a fully refundable

deposit, unless you plan on using it often. Call around.

Here's another source that specializes in suspension bushings, hard to navigate though.

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Some rear end link POLY bushings from an ex MySt sponsor. Check pricing.

As mentioned, the blue Moog bushings are thermoplastic rubber, very soft.
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Chris R,

I have the same leak on my '04 as you. Started at about 10k miles. Never drips on the ground though. I wash it off and it comes back. I think it is the lower oild pan gasket. Until I see it on the ground. I wont worry with it.

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