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Staff member
Dec 8, 2020
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Can anyone tell us about doing some modifications to their Sport Trac and worked well for them or failed?
Did an "Extreme Cheese Box" modification of factory stock AirFilter LowerBox, pics below.
Ran this a few months, but decided to restore it to the original (~$28 at the JunkYard),
as no real Power\Mileage gain, mod was noisy\loud above ~3500rpm, & MAF AirTemp increased by ~10f. Conclusion: don't waste money\time on HiDollar ColdAirIntake filters or this PoorMans version;
only recommend window screening over inlet venturi tube to keep rodents out.


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i did same thing to my box, did holes for single pop in filters for my race quad, what a joke, it even looked funny, did nothing, i had good gains with k&n intake system added with exhaust and programmer, ran it each with single add on and 2 then all 3 and different configurations, no dyno but all 3 made huge difference, pricey. even did a k&n filter for stock box and nothing, but one in my excursion with v10 worked amazing.
Removing a small plastic section of the TrimPanel Below The SteeringColumn
that's unnecessarily entangled with HoodReleaseHandle (circled in red in pics below)
allows easier access to the InstrumentCluster & SteeringColumn components;
4 UpperStabs & 2 LowerBolts are retained+adequate to mount+secure the Panel.

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dillardooo , on that oil drain plug, have you had any issues and does it lock so can not be drained on accident? that would solve my skid plate issue when draining,,,,
Fumoto valve stem is SpringHeld in a ClosedNotch; requires pushing the Stem out of the Notch then rotating it 90deg to actually Open the valve Ball. They come with an optional Clip, that I did not use, that also secures the Stem in the Closed position. FrontAxle & CatCons sit several inches lower, so this Valve is well protected from GroundStrikes. Been using Fumotos on both vehicles several years now without issue; avoid EZDrain brand, cheaper but made of pot metal that cracks when tightened.
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thank you, just ordered one from amazon, 25 bucks. wished i knew about this way earlier like 2004..
Looks, Stereo, performance, Body? what...… there are a bunch...
Looks, Stereo, performance, Body? what...… there are a bunch...
Yep, "Modifications" covers a wide range of subjects.
Forgot, I also put new security LugNuts on my truck way back 15+ years ago;
can't see 'em as the HubCaps cover them up,
but they look cool & haven't had my wheels stolen, so guess they've worked! ;)
shout out of thanks to dillard000, no more mess when changing oil,,i had to try it out and it worked awesome.. my skid plate made it hard to drain with out making a mess..thanks angie for making this post.
Aloha Dillard, 'put on the Fumoto last change, 1K to change again. Maybe that is where the spot on the carport is coming from! Does the K&N filter as well as Wix?
God bless HNY Ed
Aloha Dillard, 'put on the Fumoto last change, 1K to change again. Maybe that is where the spot on the carport is coming from! Does the K&N filter as well as Wix?
God bless HNY Ed
Maybe; did you use the washer seal that came with the Fumoto? Should be able to easily see oil on it & not up higher if it is the drain valve that is leaking. Maybe another 1/8 of a turn tighter?

About the K&N Filter, dont recalll the micron rating compared to the Ford or others, have to look that up. Been using the K&Ns for several years now, without any visual difference. I do change oil & filter every 6mths like clockwork, so dont really do any severe testing of the filter.
Yea, me too, 'just want to be sure that I do the best I can. It is the only truck I have.
After searching again, verified standard efficiency ratings like "% Filtering At 20microns" seems to be
a scarce bit of information to come by & is considered "proprietary" & unpublished by oil filter makers.
There are values noted by individual users in various forums, but I'm not able to verify those numbers.
SummitRacing & JEGS websites indicates that both the Ford fl820s & K&N hp2011
will filter particles down to 10microns.
Websites\Videos that have cut open both of these filters, reveal comparable filter media & designs.
I suspect they are very similar in this regard.

I believe the important thing to stress here is:
change the engine oil+filter frequently,
using well known brands that you personally are comfortable with
& that have inherent incentive to maintain quality, thus their market share & profits.
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I like the E-Z drain valve a little better...

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