MS Word question

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2001
Reaction score
Chesterfield, VA
My wife is nearing finishing up her doctorate and is on her final project. This has been months and moths of compiling data and composing paperwork. I found out lastnight that she has been saving then to one location with no backup. I had bought her a thumb drive so she could save it on there too, but she leaves that at work (She absolutely had to have it when I bought it for her... grrr...) I have created clones of her files on my desktop, and her laptop (she works from her desktop usually) All the computers are networked together in my house. Is there a way for me to set up MS word so it saves to mulitple locations that I sepcify each time the document saves (auto save/manually)? I tried to look in Word to see what was there, but it would allow me to create a backup. I need to save it in three locations with one click at he same time. I tried explaining to her to save it on her computer, then also save it in the network neighborhood folder I set up for her, but I think all of this project has turned her brain to mush.... I spent about 15 minutes showing her how to do it, but she didn't understand that her files were only being saved in one location, although she could access it from any of our computers....
I am only aware of the backup save option in word.
Word won't do it, but you can download a free program called GoodSync. Everytime she changes the file and saves it, GoodSync will make a backup copy to anyother location, even a USB drive. Oddly enough, it will not backup to a network drive?

I don't recall where I got it, but If you have difficulty locating GoodSync on the web, I can send you a copy. Just email me from a valid email address and I will send you the program

PS: I just checked my copy and you should be able to download it at

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I have an easy idea.

Tell me the path to the file she saves it to normally and the paths to the other files you want it in. Then I'll just write you a simple batch file, so that she can click save, then on the desktop, she can click "save backups" and it'll copy the save file to the others.
Awesome. I'll map those out and send them to you this afternoon. Right now I am late for mothers day luch with the mom in law....
I'm old and know DOS and Basic too! But I thought A1cntrler wanted something automatic, that's why I suggested GoodSync. It backsup the folder to the USB drive everytime it changes. And the best parts is that the program is free and it works. I use it myself!


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