I can't understand why people balk at spark plug prices. In a V8, if you save $5 each, that's a total of $40 for a job you won't do again for 3-4 years. That's less than you'll blow at your next stop at the Gas-N-Go without thinking twice about it. Happens often on every forum I read; trucks, bikes, boats - there's always someone bemoaning the extra cash for better spark plugs.
BTW, I'm not saying that in this case, more money is a better plug. I just did mine earlier this year and went with OEM because my research (mostly on this site) said they are what the 4.6L likes best. But if a $9 plug was an improvement, I would go with it. Same if I'm shopping for tires, wiper blades, even gas (only use Top Tier brands), I'll pay a little extra for a better product, especially when the cheapos work out to only a few bucks per year in savings.