Muslim cant get his way,,funny

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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
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That is really funny!! I think the pig farmer's idea to hold pig races was a brilliant stategy, perticularly after the Muslims told him he should move. I think he should hold pig races even more often and make it intolerable for the muslims to use the land...Perhaps invite some some old fashion loud tent revivial meetings to have free access to the land as close to the muslims land as possible.

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That's what's wrong with America, foreigners move here and want us to change to suite their lifestyles. Most of the pansy "politically correct" people would take sides with the Muslims saying that the pig farmer is infringing on their rights.

As far as I can tell from the interview they just came to this country, if they like their beliefs and home country lifestyles then theyu need to move back. Oh that's right they don't have a home there now because they blew it up. lol It's a joke people, don't get all P.C. and whiny.

This would be like a Vegan moving next to a slaughter house and then telling them to shut down or move, WTH, wake up America!!!!

That takes some cajones. I'd be interested in the resolution.
MORE PIG!! Dude, I would expand my farm, more pigs, slaughters, pig roasts(that oughta get them towel heads movin). Ahh, nothin like the smell of fresh roasted pig!. Oh, Barbeque competitions that last 3-4 days, loud speakers. Oh the list goes on and on. Funny thing was them camel jockey's turned down $1.2 MILLION for just the property. IDIOTS. Bob
They're both wrong.

The Muslim group and its leadership are dead wrong for all the reasons listed here already.

But the pig farmer is wrong to do the pig races, for no purpose other than to fan the flames. By doing so, he's just stooping to their level.
Well it sounds like the Muslims and the Pig Race farmer have made ammends and all is happy in Katy, TX. It appears that the guy who was raising pigs next door to the Mosque did not want to be told that he needed to move. It appears that the Muslims have appolgized for that statement and both neighbors have learned to accept the other as neighbors.

But, I still have to say that the Pig Races was a stroke of brilliance:bwahaha:, and the Muslims it did worked :grin:

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Now they can have a booze filled party and BBQ a whole hog. ; )
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