Caymen says:
I hope the FJ works for you. Honestly, you can not expect to post a picture of a Japanese car on an Domestic car website and not enrage some people.
Here is some honesty for you....
One could expect to be able to post a picture of any vehicle purchase and NOT expect people to get ENRAGED, as long as the person that posts the picture and announcement in a non-inflammatory way; which is what gwac did.
I truly believe it's the little-ego, small brainers on here that got enraged for no reason. Gwac wants to buy a Toyota. Toyota's are legal to purchase and it's HIS money so let him spend it the way he wants.
I'm rather SICK of the whole "buy American", import-bashing, "off-shored jobs are unpatriotic" RHETORIC that flies around this website, and others and in our communities.
We all like to sound off on our pet peeves, but can't we just be happy for someone buying a cool looking car WITHOUT getting all bent out of shape? If you don't like the car, or don't want to congratulate the person posting the announcement, at least be civil.
Regarding the job losses, etc, that is tragic. But to me many of the comments here SMACK of protectionism. If Ford and GM produced cars the people wanted and valued, they would buy them. That's the SIMPLE TRUTH. Pointing fingers at consumers and laughing at them; calling them STUPID for their choices, etc, simply shows that you all have GIVEN UP on Ford or GM being able to produce the products that people want; because such "guerrilla" tactics aren't helping the cause.
If you feel compelled to tell people they have made the wrong purchasing choice, or ever worse, belittle them for it; then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Free choice sets the marketplace. If you WANT people to choose Ford or GM, then work with Ford and GM so that they deliver vehicles people WANT...that's a CONSTRUCTIVE use of your zeal.