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Joe G 2

Active Member
Jun 9, 2007
Reaction score
Minot AFB, ND
I am going back in forth with myself on going to a mental health clinic (ok ok joke all you want, but seriously). I have developed an obsession with repeatidly checking things. For example... The alarm clock (multiple clocks) at least ten times, the door's to the house, car locks, making checklist for everyday tasks and contantly checking them, etc. Its become such a problem that I cant sleep well because of it. I wake up constantly to recheck these things. The major delima is that I am active duty military, and Im affraid that this will jeprodize/end my career. Anyone have any advise?
I do not recall the name of this, but there is a dedicated name to this type of action..

I believe it is actually called and "illness" or a "disease" as well.

To those that suffer from this it can run your life. I had a female friend that had to wash her hands like 18 times, then when she left to bathroom she had to go back and forth over the threshold like 8 times. These figures NEVER changed. It was always 18 or 8 or whatever it was.

Can this jeopardize your career, I feel the answer is yes. Lets look at things here.

If we are in a fox hole and in combat, if you need to check to really see or ensure that you put the ammo belt in multiple times and ensure it is in correct multiple times then you are putting yourself and others at risk...

This example may be way off from things you do, but I believe you get my point.

If it is a bas as you are suggesting, it is already affecting your service to yourself and others simply because you are tired or your mind is not on your job...

You either need to speak to someone that can help you solve this or go to a medical facility for treatment.

Maybe go to the religious support you have there as they will help you without turning you unless there is a serious issue or concern for your safety and that of others....
OCD...Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is quite common. Most type-A (high strung, exacting, perfectionist types) have a mild case of OCD.

It goes from being mild to being a true disorder when it impacts your everyday life.

You should seek help.

It's a disorder, like any other, and the military should be willing to help you get treatment for it so that you can lead a productive life and career. It might limit your options in the military, but it shouldn't end your career, IMHO.


As TJR said, sounds like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD). Check they have a 1-800 number 24/7 and should be able to set you up with treatment or counseling if you need it and it is confidential. Self referral to mental health treatment should never result in negative consequences with your military career.

Good luck.
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Dont be to proud to get help. I myself take meds and counceling for major depresion. There is help. As Gary D. said, we are behind you. I know my situation is not the same but my email in my profile is a good one..
Sounds like OCD to me as well....

An ex G/F had GAD and it affected her from even leaving her house, it came on sudden without any warning. Med's took care of most of her probs, but she still had the fear of going places, public, etc.

You would be best to go see a doc about your case and get the meds you need so you can get some form of normality back in your life....

Good Luck....
OCD. The thing to find out is why you have developed it recently, assuming that's what it sounds like. I've had periods where I can't remember if I locked the doors on the house, truck, office, and go back to check but that's usually during periods where I simply have a lot going on in my life and a lot of thoughts going through my brain.

I have a mild form of OCD for keeping my vehicles clean. Seriously, that goes all the way back to polishing and waxing my bicycles when I was a kid. I've mostly gotten over it as I've gotten older and simply have less time and I'm too tired. But I still have the cleanest vehicles on the street. :D

Also I count things, silently, nobody notices, usually touch my teeth together as I count. I don't feel that my world will end if I don't, and sometimes I don't, maybe it's just a habit.

Hope that helps.

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