Need help with blower motor on my Show Truck, easy but don't know the differences?

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Jerry Gerner 2

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
I need to replace the blower motor on my 1987 GMC Sonoma because the wheel has play in it and it make a low picth whining noise I think it's the bearing. My truck doen't have A/C and as you can see in the picture below theirs a hose that goes into the housing. I looked up the part and they want $49.99 for the No A/C blower motor with wheel and only $25.99 for the with A/C. My question is what's the hose for on the No A/C blower and why isn't it on the with A/C blower. Could I use the with A/C blower and just block off the hole on the housing? I found a picture of the with A/C blower with the hole blocked off with a rubber plug.

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I think the hose provides air for the blower motor. Can you post the "new" A/C blower picture? Does it have an opening in the motor housing similar to yours or some other intake design?
Here's a picture of one that I found the is with A/C, there is a rubber plug on the motor housing. Others that I found don't have the rubber plug so can I just buy the with A/C unit and hook up the hose to it? Here's a picture of the "with A/C" blower motor, you can see the rubber plug on the side that the hose is for on the "without A/C" unit.

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If you go to or your local GM dealer you can ask a GM mechanic. They might not know the reason for the hose either :fire: ? :cry:
Are you sure everything else is the same? I'm betting the A/C blower wheel is bigger or something.

The hose provides cooling air for the motor.
Yeah Gavin your right. I just got back from four different parts stores and a local junkyard and no one had the correct blower motor. Advanced listed one and we ended up looking at six different blower motoors and none of them were correct, they were listed as the right part but they were wrong.

I'm gonna have to go back out to Millerstown pic a part yard and grab the one from the S-10 I took the alternator bracket of because the picture I took of the engine bay of that truck shock the exact blower motor I have. The differnces between the w A/C and w/o A/C is the blower wheel is about 1/2" deeper and the w/o A/C wheel is more low profile. as well as the cooling tube holes being in different sides (look at pictures above).

Found out I get to replace the clutch as well, yippie for me. I hate one piece manual transmissions !!! Why couldn't this truck have the trans and bell housing combo.

Dang Jerry, this is really hindering you. From getting that second Trac..

Murphys law got ahold of you:fire:
The early model GM's used that hose for additional cooling of the motor itself. It is for the WITH A/C blower motors.

You will have no issues using either of them for your vehicle. Some squirrel cages are longer (deeper) than others, but they are removable from one unit to another..

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