Uwe Canting
The "check filler door" light came on yesterday. Today the "check engine" light came on as well. What should I be concerned about? I am currently at the beach, three hours from home. The 03 ST is running great otherwise.
Mprimo,4/15/2012 05:44 MT
Go to autozone. They will plug it in and diagnose it for free.
by navyman, 4/14/2012 21:01 MT
Category - General Information
The "check filler door" light came on yesterday. Today the "check engine" light came on as well. What should I be concerned about? I am currently at the beach, three hours from home. The 03 ST is running great otherwise.
Hardly....they will tell you what code is stored and then make a guess as to what the problem may be so they can sell you parts...there is absolutely no diagnostics involved.
mprimo,4/15/2012 19:11 MT
So a code is worth nothing? Each problem has a code an every time I fix the code theey have given me it has worked for me and its free. If I go to the dealer they will charge over $80 for the same thing. Plug in, get a code and fix. The dealer doesnt do a whole lot of diognostics either. If there is a major problem maybe,