Need info on Mac (Apple) Laptop computer. (Christmas Gift)

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Kevin Palmer

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2001
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Madison, OH
I know much about the Windows world of computers, know very little of the Apple side of the house.

This is the one gift my daughter wants for x-mas...

Sooo, any suggestion and information would be appreciated.

Are Apples loaded with RAM similar to the Windows computers, (I am sure it is not the same, just wondered it is it the same in theory as far as buying higher RAM and installing it).

She will be using this for school, she is in 9th grade with all advanced classes and it extremely good at artist type stuff.

Will need to do Word type documents and general use. Does have an iPod and many of the goodies for the iPod.

I guess what I am looking for is the minimum as far as processor and suggested RAM and things to this nature.

Thanks in advance...
I tried to use a Mac. I use a PC.

If the daughter wants a MAC, let her pick it out.

Honestly MAC is great no matter what you get. After a family member of mine bought one I have been anxiously anticipating the death of my PC so I have a legit excuse to invest in one. They are more expensive than PC's, more powerful, non viral, now have the option of running intel ~ a really nice feature which allows u to use BOTH MAC operating system and Windows... Partitioning the drive isn't all that fun but it is easy for windows users to transition into if need be. Just my 2 cents worth.
Unless there is a need to burn DVD's, get the MacBook with combo drive. Don't forget to use a student discount which drops the price approximately $100. Apple just announced subtle speed/chipset upgrades to this line. I made the switch a couple of years ago and am typing this on a 13.3" black MacBook. If the family is a fan of MS Office the student version is available as well. Otherwise, iWorks works just fine (need to purchase since you are provided a trial version only on the computer). I love mine! Good sources for purchase are MacConnection and Amazon, in addition to the Apple Store, and dependant on your location may not require payment of sales tax. Great gift! Leopard comes with built-in Boot Camp in case she needs to load a copy of Windows for specific software.
Microsoft product is available to be for $20 for almost every product they make, in fact, just purchased 7 various 2007 softwares for $140.00 plus $4.99 for shipping. So I have to think we ill use compatible software when applicable. For both money reasons as well as having familiarity reasons.

Thanks for the info Teasip..

I agree with Teasip.

I would get the black Macbook with the 2.2ghz processor. There are not many upgrade choices but would definitely get the upgraded 2gb of memory, and the Applecare protection plan, especially if you and your daughter are new to macs. If it is in your budget upgrade the hard drive to the 250gb.

Last month I ordered 2 of these exact laptops for my bosses 2 sons in college and they love them.

I have both a Windows based computer and a Mac based computer. I love the Mac, but I am required to use the Windows computer fro some car things. The Mac RAM is much the same as Windows RAM. You can buy MS Office for MAC now. I belive the list price is somthing like $400.00 for all of the products in Student Eddition. I can get you a corperate discount on the Mac website should you want it just let me know.
Don, if you look at my post 3 above you, you will see I get a very good deal on the MS stuff. I assume it is compatible the Mac, or do I have to buy mac only MS stuff?

my wife has the white 13.3 Macbook, and it's excellent. HOWEVER, I would recommend the black one, as no matter how hard we try, the white is showing up dirt-mostly where you rest your hands from typing. Other than that, it's FANTASTIC!
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Once you go Mac...

Seriously though, I've been exclusively on Macs at work and home for years and love them. Anything you order new now will come with OS X Leopard, Mac's latest OS, so that's saving you $150 right off the bat compared to those of us about to shell out for the uprade.

Also, check the store for great deals on refurbished Macs. They're refurbished by Apple using only authentic Apple parts, and come with the same warranty as a brand new Mac, but at considerable savings. Usually, going through the manufacturer's site is an easy way to overpay for a product, but that's simply not the case here.

I work in the publishing industry and regularly use both Mac's and PC's. They both have their Pro's and Con's (though I still prefer a PC).

A mac's OS is very intuitive and there are lots of graphics programs you can get for your daughter that will enrich her interest in art as well. As for what to get, with any computer, the more you can get the better. Even the most basic Mac will work well for her needs, but a larger processor and more storage will eventually be needed if she wants to start working with digital media or graphic arts.

Beyond the PC vs. Mac war, I think it's a great thing that you are nurturing your daughter's abilities as both a student and as a young person showing interst in a possible career by getting the machine that is best suited to her needs rather than what is the cool thing to buy.
Jenn, thanks for the comments.

This daughter I have almost no restrictions on. She has excelled in school way beyond the requirements. She has NEVER had a "B" on a report card of any kind and yet in 7th grade she was taking high school classes.

The deal I made with her in 1st grade was, that is you come home with all A's on your finial report card I will give you $100.00 dollars...

For second grad, all A's and it will be $200.00...

Well, here we are in 9th grade and she is milking me dry.. LOL

But it is good money spent, I am certain she will get into collage with her academics and as well as her athleticism.

Here is a sample of her art...

Picture of her cat (photo).

[Broken External Image]:

And her very FIRST painting ever (at age 12).

[Broken External Image]:

Second painting (at age 12).

[Broken External Image]:

Self Portrait (at age 9).

[Broken External Image]:

Her pencil drawings are truly amazing for her age...
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I've been PC for my whole life, I actually just built a new one last year, loaded to the nuts. I needed a laptop for work so I figured I'd try a macbook since someone else in my office had recently bought one. After about a month of owning my laptop I purchased a new 24" imac for home. My PC now sits in my closet and it's not even a year old. I love the mac and would recommend it to anyone! I just upgraded both machines to Leopard which has some cool new features!
Your daughter's work is simply amazing! She has a wonderful gift and whether or not she chooses to make a career out of it, she will be very successful!!

As for your deal with her regarding grades, my father made a similar deal with me in my senior year of playing collegiate softball. During my first week of the season, I hit 3 hr's. He was convinced that I only had a few more in me, and said he'd give me $50 for each additional one I hit that season..... 14 hr's later, parents at the games were bringing him applications to 7-eleven for a second job!

Some programs have been writen to be able to run on both Mac and Windows computers, but triditionaly Office hasn't been one of them. You can now buy a program that will create a partion on your Mac's hard drive and allow you have a version of windows on your computer. I was just buying my new Mac Book Pro from and noticed that they are selling Office 2004 for 150 and doing a upgrade to Office 2008 when it is released next year for 7, yes I ment to type $7.00.

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