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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
deleted thread. not sure anyone reads what i post. never get replies or answers to my questions or replies...i will still continue to help others with their questions though.:eek:nline::grin:

i havent steped on anymore toes than some others have. i do realize im being ignored and i dont care. this has been said, only to let the members know, i know whats going on.:rofl:
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Eddie, I would have deleted your post, but I wanted to let you know that I for one am not ignoring your posts. Didn't see this one to know what you posted. Sorry dude. Just know I for one am not "shunning" you.:haveabeer:
hey eddie,

its not you.

its getting kinda' wierd around here lately ?????

i am not so sure why the admins didn't do anything with the bubba posts ????

also, why was the larue post deleted about the sponsor ????
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To maybe answer your questions Gary,

I didn't do anything about the Bubba posts, because in my eyes, he had not done anything that I haven't seen on here before. The "calling out" of someone about their post. I have to agree that the last picture was a little over the top, but it was deleted after an email to Todd and George from Eddie. We are all different, I would have cared less about someone putting my pic like that, but I guess I don't really care how people see me. To me, if you don't like me, oh well. If we deleted all the negative, name calling, or downright rude posts on here, there wouldn't be much on here. It has gotten better as of late, but I'm sure there will be more. I can say this, if there is anything you want, or think needs deleted, feel free to shoot any of us Admins an e-mail and if warranted, we will be happy to get rid of it.

As for the post from Larue being deleted, I didn't see the original post, but Larue removed what he said, so one of the other Admins must have seen it as it needing to be deleted.

Just understand that it isn't easy to make all the people happy all the time. We are working hard at trying to keep this site somewhat civil. But if you post something that can be somewhat an opening for someone to rub you the wrong way when they answer, don't cry "foul" when they call you on it. I personally will let it run till I think it's starting to get out of hand.:haveabeer:
Thanks for the clarifications Stone.

Like Stone said, LaRue changed his original post to "nevermind" and I deleted the post after that. We were letting the post stay even though we do not allow unwarranted negatives against site sponsors. In this case an email was not responded to and the site sponsor did nothing wrong. When others started bringing up an ex-sponsor who sells the same items then I would have deleted those posts.

The members do not know what went on and why the old sponsor left. It was unfortunate but he left on his own request. Vinyl Imagination is a great sponsor. If you don't get an immediate response from an email give him a call.

Bubba did go too far with his last post but it was taken care of. He quieted down on his own after bring warned. We did not think it warranted a suspension or ban. Eddie also could have been suspended but because he is a long time member and contributes a lot to the board we did not do anything to him. I personally was offended by his post but left it. It's like going into someone's home and trashing it.

We try to run the board fairly and I have to thank Todd, Stone and JD for their work. Since having a baby 2 months ago I don't have free time to constantly check the board and they do a great job. We can't please everyone and we don't want to be big brother but there are rules that need to be followed for the good of all members.

Todd and I paid money to purchase this site to keep it from dying or being bought by some corporation just for the domain name. It also costs us money each month to keep it running. If it was not for the sponsors the site would either shut down or we would be forced to have members pay to be here. I know Todd is not happy with the lack or respect towards him and us and this is one of the reasons he is not around as much anymore.

Not to keep complaining but we also put in a lot of work and hundreds of our own money to get the new website decals printed and only 8 members have purchased even after requests to get them printed and so many people saying they wanted them. We tried to keep the price low but I don't think $5 for a full cut and color vinyl decal is asking too much.

Eddie, I don't think anyone is ignoring you and before anyone asks, no we are not blocking his posts. If anyone is ignoring Eddie you can stop.

Finally, read this from the terms and conditions page...

Posting Guidelines

This is an enthusiast site and is intended to promote enjoyment of the Sport Trac. We ask that everyone observe the following guidelines when participating in discussions on this web site. Please treat all contributors with respect; Abusive language will not be tolerated, nor will threats, bashing of others, or the web site. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in you being suspended or banned from the site. Also, please note that commercial advertising and offers on this web site are limited to our sponsors. Our sponsors help make this site possible. Whenever possible we would appreciate you supporting the sponsors first and not recommending others to purchase sponsor available items from non-site sponsors.

Site admins reserve the right to make decisions on whether a post is or is not within the site guidelines and will act in the best interest of the site and its members. The actions of the admins are final and are not to be disputed. If the actions are disputed the admins will act as they see fit by deleting the post and/or temporarily or permanently banning the member. If you are unsure about the content you would like to post, email the admins and we will review it and let you know if the post is acceptable. Thank you for your understanding.


:btddhorse: :soap:
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You mean to tell me this is not a website used to promote Toyota's, how much better Toyota's are, or how much smarter you are for owning a Toyota?

Seriously, this website has its ups and downs. I have been posting less and less lately. Pretty much, 90% of all posts go to crap within a few posts. I am just as guilty as the next guy.

I have always had the utmost respect for Todd. It has never changed and it never will.


thx for getting back.

i just thought the bubba slam on eddie would warrant a deletion. others have been removed for less. hey, i am no angel but as i always said, everyone here are good people, just with different thoughts. it is pretty well known that i don't see eye to eye with cayman, but if we sat down over a beer i am sure we would have alot to talk about and walk away shaking hands. the pic of the mule i posted was a joke and i know tom knows it. a mutual ongoing rag on each other. i wouldn't give a rats azz if someone took my head and put it in on a slug, but in this case it just didn't seem like the rules applied for all.

imo, if a person has an issue with a sponsor, they can say it and i mentioned that an ex sponsor did great work for me. does that warrant a post deletion, no.

on another note, the tone delivered in the nat'l meet regi post came across as "it's all on me and if you are not going, i am screwd". a somewhat guilt trip, IMO.

either way i said from day one that if anyone deserves this site, it is todd for his dedication and willingness to help EVERYONE !

as far as respect for the admins, i feel all of us do and appreciate the finacial investment and time spent to keep this the BEST SITE out there. ALL of you admins work hard and again deserve that acknowledgement.

just maybe, respect should be a 2 way street and if someone is going to bash, DON'T do it behind that persons back. that is a cause for someone to lose respect. i think you know what i mean.

some of us have been here a long time and plan to be here much longer. i know i am not popular and that i have switched to a forbidden brand, but i admit when i am wrong and shoved a shoe in my mouth.

hey, i am sure others will agree, keep up the GREAT work to keep this site around. WE will support you guys !! :supercool:


btw, GC, gettin' much sleep ? :grin:

hope all is well :banana:

+1 on Clusterpup's post. Also, your post looks to be around 5:30 eastern / 2:30 pacific on Friday. I pretty much don't even LOOK at a computer after work, and on the weekends. I hang out here during the week at work (gotta do something, ha).

Not sure what you were posting, Eddie, but if I might've or could've put my 2 cents in . . .
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God, I feel like I should chime in here.

I'm somewhat red-faced (embarassed) at my participation on this website. I have to admit that I probably account for at least 50 views/weekday and post as often as possible to:

<b>a)</b> contribute to conversations that peak my interest

<b>b)</b> provide helpful info to other members, as many others here have helped me

<b>c)</b> Keep the board active during extended periods of inactivity.

I've always treated every member here with the same amount of respect I treat people I come face-to-face with on a daily basis. I've given Todd, George C and the other admins MORE respect than that and, quite frankly, am flabbergasted at the thought of anybody disrespecting those that uphold this website's integrity.

The part I'm embarrassed about is the fact that I feel like I've contributed very little (financially) to this community. Sure, I've bought a bunch of Zabtech stuff, but that isn't like donating DIRECTLY to the website. Todd sent me a great MYST.COM vest a couple years ago because I submitted an idea for a website decal. All I had to do was invest some interest and a little bit of time, not expecting anything in return, and Todd took it upon himself to show his appreciation for that.

I have not kept it a secret that I'm not in a great financial situation (for any of you whom I've dealt with personally on the swap & sell board). I often have to figure out some sort of "payment plan" with individuals who I've bought off of. I have to admit that everyone has been extremely accommodating with this and I've never had an issue with any member regarding the sale/shipping of an item (Sonny is right about the fact that communication is essential in matters like that).

That being said, when I have finances and am able to contribute to the website I will certainly do so. George, it looks like the Website Decal thread has had a lot of interest, so its very surprising to me that only 8 members have gone through with the sale. I'm sorry to admit that I am not a big fan of the decal myself and it isn't exactly something I'd enjoy seeing on my truck on a daily basis. Hence, my reason for not investing in the website decal. I dont know how feasible it would be, but if there were some more options available, I would be inclined to purchase something that suits my taste. I don't mean to knock the design of the decal at all. It looks cool and a really great image - Kudos to the artist.

With regards to the National Sport Trac Meet: as much as I'd absolutely LOVE to attend, it is just too far for a Canuck to justify the long trip for a weekend. :(

I just felt like I should explain myself and lack of funding to the sport trac community.

And Eddie: you're one of my favs bud! Couldn't ignore you.
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You are in London, Ontario. No excuses. You are not far from Louisville. If you go to the meet you will be so glad you did.

hmm...i thought KY was a lot farther away then that! I just did Google maps directions and it says if I take I75 it would only take me 8 hrs driving time...Thats not half as bad as I assumed.
With regards to the National Sport Trac Meet: as much as I'd absolutely LOVE to attend, it is just too far for a Canuck to justify the long trip for a weekend. :(

+1 to what Caymen said. You're not as far as you think. In 2008, member Mr. Rugby came all the way the way from Victoria, BC. I believe he got the "prize" for farthest distance traveled to the meet.

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