James Neumeier
I had a fun weekend replacing the plugs and wires on my Trac. I used the Taylor wires from Summit and Autolite Double Platinum plugs. To make a long story short, it has a miss now. I unplugged all the boots and re-seated them. Could I have a bad wire or plug? I used the dielectric grease that came with the wires which I never do becasue it seems I have problems when I do. Could that be the culprit? Yesterday the check engine light was on, but this morning its not. I was hoping to take it by Autozone so they could hook it up and tell me which cylinder it is, but without that fault light I guess I am SOL on that idea. Do any of you have any suggestions?
By the way, I replaced the wires and plugs one at a time so I wouldn't mix any of them up.
By the way, I replaced the wires and plugs one at a time so I wouldn't mix any of them up.