Newbie From SF Bay Area

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Supporting Member
1st Gen Owner
V6 Engine
4 wheel drive
Jan 9, 2021
Reaction score
Petaluma, California
I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say thanks for a great site! I just purchased a 2002 Sport Trac with 61K original miles. The vehicle looks and operates like new! I'm the third owner. Vehicle was regularly serviced as is evidenced by the CarFax. The versatility of the Sport Trac is amazing. It has all the features I wanted and then some. I'm very pleased with my purchase and hope to learn a lot by being a member of the forum. Thanks very much!

Craig R.
Welcome to the herd!
Be sure to take care of this vehicles notorious failure items:
~ become OCD about Oil+Filter changes
~ swap Plastic ThermoStat Housing to Alum ThermoStat Housing
~ swap Plastic Tanked 1CoreRadiator to AllAlum 2/3/4CoreRadiator
~ swap Plastic HeaterControlValve to Metal HeaterControlValve
2002 ExST V6~4.0L~SOHC with 61k Miles (wow!) is near needing new OilPressurized TimingTensioners.
Detailed info on these items & more at
http://2001fordexplorersporttrac.fandom.comHope this helps.
^^^ I really appreciate the tips. I do my own oil changes on a regular basis on all my cars. I've already encountered the "non-working left flasher/brake light" situation. Not sure how it passed the dealer's safety inspection with that issue. Turns out it's the wiring inside the steering column as tilting the wheel to the highest position solves the problem. I'll have to get in there and fix that myself if the dealer balks (which they shouldn't). The burnt out third brake light was also missed. My biggest concern is the "O/D OFF" light began to flash the afternoon I brought it home from the dealer (70 mile drive). This was a week ago. It came on again earlier today. I think the dealership had the car for a very short period of time before I purchased it. It's possible that it never came on while they had it and this could be a completely new issue. Do dealer's routinely check the computer codes on used cars that they sell? I have CarFax service records from 4/18/02 thru 11/27/20 (59,843 miles) with no mention of any transmission issues. I did buy a 2yr ALPHA powertrain warranty but have read bad reviews about their service. I'll just take it a day at a time. I go back to the dealer in a week for the Cilajet coating and hope to get some answers. At the minimum I need to obtain the transmission error codes so that I can proceed from there. This car was actually found at a Ford dealer. I thought that it was rather unusual to find a car of that vintage being sold there. Once I saw it and took it for a spin I could understand why. It's super clean and like new inside and out. Once my transmission issue is resolved I'll sleep much better at night! LOL I'll try to post some pictures of my car before too long.

Craig R.
Last edited: my own oil changes..."non-working left flasher/brake light"...Not sure how it passed the dealer's safety inspection...burnt out third brake light was also missed...biggest concern is the "O/D OFF" light began to flash the afternoon I brought it home... week ago...on again earlier today...Do dealer's routinely check the computer codes on used cars that they sell?...have CarFax service records from 4/18/02 thru 11/27/20 (59,843 miles) with no mention of any transmission issues...did buy a 2yr ALPHA powertrain the dealer in a week for the Cilajet coating and hope to get some obtain the transmission error codes...was actually found at a Ford new inside and out...Once my transmission issue is resolved I'll sleep much better...
Ford "stealership" or otherwise, I'm afraid you've gotten suckered.
61k miles sounds way too good for 19yr old 2002; "CarFax" or not, suspicious it has 3~4times the mileage.
OD OFF lamp blink = Tranny issues, likely needs rebuild\replacement; need to scan OBD2+Ford TroubleCodes;
you should have run TroubleCode scan before buying; 5r55e Transmission is a well known failure item; if dealer says didn't know about tranny issue, they're lying. You need your own scanner; do NOT trust seller.
Tranny issue along with others you've mentioned, tells me dealer got this as a trade-in for likely less than $1k, ran it thru the detail shop with no mechanical inspection, then to used car lot for 5~6times that price.
"ALPHA" warranty is a big money maker for dealer & likely worthless to you.
Don't know what CA lemon laws are, but I'd be thinking of trying to get full purchase price back.
For your sake, I hope this is not the case, but smells really fishy.
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I appreciate your input, DILLARD000. I'll post updates as I learn more. In the meantime I've attached some pics.

Craig R.


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Good looking ExST!
Mines a year older, Dark Blue, 240k Miles, original Engine+Tranny, otherwise near identical.
Hoping you can get dealer to resolve Tranny issue wOut cost to you.
It could be just a Tranny ValveBody Gasket\Solenoid needs replacement, or could be much worse.
I'd first try dropping TrannyPan, ValveBody bolt reTorq, new Filter, new PanGasket, fresh 4~5qts ATF.
If codes indicate VB Solenoid bad, rebuild VB with new Gasket\Solenoids.
I'd sure want to scan codes myself, so you can tell right off if dealer is lying to you.
Several guys on these forums use a generic ELM327 OBD2 module & ForScan on a LapTop;
I've got a OBDLink MX+ module that interfaces to both LapTop+ForScan or SmartPhon+OBDLinkApp.
Need more than a basic ODB2 reader, need something that reads Ford proprietary codes for Tranny.
Good luck.
Welcome to the group. After I bought my 2007, I had the transmission overhauled and it's run like a top ever since. Driving this after having driven my 1995 Silverado is like upgraded to a Mazerati.
Ford "stealership" or otherwise, I'm afraid you've gotten suckered.
61k miles sounds way too good for 19yr old 2002; "CarFax" or not, suspicious it has 3~4times the mileage.
OD OFF lamp blink = Tranny issues, likely needs rebuild\replacement; need to scan OBD2+Ford TroubleCodes;
you should have run TroubleCode scan before buying; 5r55e Transmission is a well known failure item; if dealer says didn't know about tranny issue, they're lying. You need your own scanner; do NOT trust seller.
Tranny issue along with others you've mentioned, tells me dealer got this as a trade-in for likely less than $1k, ran it thru the detail shop with no mechanical inspection, then to used car lot for 5~6times that price.
"ALPHA" warranty is a big money maker for dealer & likely worthless to you.
Don't know what CA lemon laws are, but I'd be thinking of trying to get full purchase price back.
For your sake, I hope this is not the case, but smells really fishy.
Not impossible. I bought an '08 one owner with 53,000 on it. And yes, it was documented and Carfaxed as well.
An issue with buying 2001~2003 SportTracs; InstrumentCluster & OdoMeter
can be easily replaced with one having lower mileage, so beware.
I like my 2001 Cluster because it's relatively easy\simple wOut a computer,
but also subject to traditional car salesman's old tricks.
what did the dealer say about the transmission ?

mine is an 04 bought three years ago with 96k, wasn't looking for a truck but friend offered me a good deal. I've become very fond of it, works great for canoe trips, hunting etc, but still comfortable to drive around town. 145k now, no transmission issues yet, have replaced the radiator and front ABS sensors, synthetic oil changed at 10k, hope to go many more miles.. My old Sienna got to 300k so that's the goal ;-)
An issue with buying 2001~2003 SportTracs; InstrumentCluster & OdoMeter
can be easily replaced with one having lower mileage, so beware.
I like my 2001 Cluster because it's relatively easy\simple wOut a computer,
but also subject to traditional car salesman's old tricks.
I wouldn't think changing out the cluster would change what the computer logs. Correct?
Welcome.... Its slow around here but give it time and good info follows...
I wouldn't think changing out the cluster would change what the computer logs. Correct?
Don't think PCMs log Odometer\Mileage data in firmware\software for 2003 & earlier non-HEC Clusters.
Doesn't appear to be a communication link for Odometer\Mileage data between the Cluster & the PCM.
Experts please confirm\correct this as needed?

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