Newspaper Chains New Business Plan: Copyright Suits

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Part of the reason we warn members in our site guidelines about posting copyrighted materials and things like that.

I don't know if simply stating where you got it from helps or not. It's probably worse as they can search the net for the articles content and publisher.

I also don't see how legally he can simply just slap a law suit with out first contacting you to remove the content.

Don't know the law that good....

Honestly it doesn't matter, a $1,500+ lawsuit would shut the website down..... for good...

There is no income to support that and I certainly will not go down with the ship if we get sued because of something a member stole and posted....

George and myself spent our personal money to purchase the site...

The sponsors generate just enough $$ to maintain and run the site... we don't grow a profit on the site... PERIOD !

And I feel once the sponsors go away George and I will be maintaining and paying for the site completely out of pocket.....

Thus why we urge people to support the sponsors in any way they can.... but you know how it goes.....

Some times it feels like a slap in the face, don't know if people just don't care..... Don't know at all..

But thats why George and I get upset at all the fighting and bickering..... It hurts to see OUR forum Crapped on......

Glad you asked ???

Todd Z
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I have been here almost 7yrs. In the begining, I think I noticed that. Most members bought from our sponsors.

Last few years. I have noticed. It seems as if members that have joined, have no idea of our sponsors. I see threads of look what I bought or you can get this part here or there. No mention of our sponsors, though. I constantly post, we have a sponsor that sells that. Most likly a better price. Or might even work with you.

I have used some of our sponsors for anything I need they sell. Many things I never spoke about. Even if it is a few more $$. It helps this site.

I even got Todd to move the sponsor link, closer to the top of the menu. Not sure if it helped.:sad:

I'd be more worried about the misuse of Pedobear by people oblivious to his deviant sex connotations. :grin:


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That's funny right there, I don't who ya are.

It is okay to post a link for that article, or is it entrapment?

A Steeler fan board I belong to was threatened with a lawsuit last year over people posting articles on it. Not plagarism, because links and sources were quoted also, they just didn't want their stuff posted. You'd think they'd be happy for the extra traffic but I guess they weren't. Fine, so no links and we call them The Newspaper That Shall Not Be Named.
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Mark K, it does make the computer shop look a little more "internet savvy" in the minds of people who know the meme...although it makes them look pretty creepy at the same time. Especially if they have a company van. Maybe it's them having a "discreet" marketing method to a target audience?

And to those not in the know, it's just a "cute" bear that seems to have no relevance to computers.

It's still a hilarious ad no matter how I look at it though :rofl:
Yeah Todd, I am glad.

Personally I have removed anything I have posted anywhere that isn't completely mine. Everybody will suffer a bit from the lack of immediate access to good repair info. Of course ANYONE here can contact me and I will send the info they need to them directly.

As far as the cost of the site, sponsors are great but if that goes away then we, the members, need to step up and cover the costs. Geez people whiz away big bucks on their trucks and surely could make a contribution to keep the site up and running.

For all of this you can that a greedy lawyer who is out to only line his own pocket. Copyright holders didn't seek him out to protect their material. He searched out material......for his own benefit. :fire:Bastard lawyer !:angry::cheeky:
I hate that lawyers are now allowed to advertise their services and even troll for customers who whould never have attempted to sue anyone and suck them in with promises of making big money.

Our TV's a filled with comercials for all of these ambulance chasers, etc. Asking people if they or some family member suffered from some medical problem after taking some common medicine. Or telling them that if you have been in an accident you need a lawyer because the insurance companies will screw them over, etc

Our local telephone books are loaded with full-page ads for fact, the section for Attorneys is larger than any other section in the phone book because of all the full-page ads.


I hate that lawyers are now allowed to advertise their services and even troll for customers who whould never have attempted to sue anyone and suck them in with promises of making big money.

My parents were rear ended some years back. Within 24 hours of the accident, we were getting phone calls from lawyers telling us how we can get rich from this accident.

Pretty lame!

Wait a second, this loser lawyer buys the copyrights to newspaper works HIMSELF, and then talks about suing on the behalf of his clients, whom are assumed to be the newspapers?

Sounds like he just can't admit that he is working in his own short-sighted self interest, as if he owns the copyrights, then the newspapers are out of the equation. He's suing for himself, and doesn't want to admit it :angry:

Sigh, lawyers.

Our local telephone books are loaded with full-page ads for lawyers.

Which has one benefit, besides paying for the anachronistic phone books: telling me what lawyers NOT to hire should a need arise where I need one for a court case.

Although, if one was to get sued for copyright infringement, who better to hire than one of these scum lawyers who specializes in suing for such BS?
Is cool for us to just post the title and then the link??

I was thinking Troll when I read the article....

Most likley wasnt succesful until he found a niche....JMO
"My parents were rear ended some years back. Within 24 hours of the accident, we were getting phone calls from lawyers telling us how we can get rich from this accident.

Pretty lame!"

welcome to the great land of lawsuits :sad:

one of our sales reps were involved in a very minor accident a week ago past friday. on tuesday we were served by the other drivers attorney. no injuries at the scene at both vehicles had no more then $500 damage.

i get this crap all the time :angry:

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