
Ford SportTrac Forum

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Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Chilliwack, BC
Sitting at breakfast this morning listening to couple guys talk about nitrious for their cars..... got me wondering if anyone has tried it on their ST's

Good idea...... Bad idea.......
I helped instally Nitrous on a buddies ZX2. 75 HP shot over 50,000 miles. No problems at all. I prefer a wet kit over a dry kit. Don't go overboard and you will be fine. I would not go with anything more then a 75 HP shot.

One of the members here in Waco, TX put nitrous on his 2001 Sport Trac. He blew his engine about a year ago and has since replaced it with a used engine. I have not talked with him in quite a while so i don't know if he is still running the nitrous, but it will work very well if you don't go beyond a 75-100 HP boost.
