No Front Sway Bar

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2004
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All Over the East Coast,
Theoretically, what would I expect with a rear EE bar, RSX shocks, and no front bar? Besides contributory negligence in a swerve and hit accident.
My ST drives pretty good without the front sway bar connected. Has very predictable handling, and I still could take highway offramps and cloverleafs, etc at highway speeds.

It'd probably be loose but pull into the pits and have Zippy give it a turn of wedge, a half-pound in the right front, and take out a spring rubber. :lol:

Going with larger tires that will rub the bar at full cut. So many folks who off-road pull their front bar and use quick-disconnects on their rear. I thought with the RSXs and the rear bar that I should have relatively secure sway control, even without the front bar. I anticipated some increased sway in turns, but was concerned with the 'how much' of it. Removing the bar is more of a thought than definite action, though. I'll see once the 275s are on.

Worried about too much sway? Slow down a bit for the corners.

I mean, you DO drive a truck. Not a sports car. But I figured you know that.

And you're good at reading between the lines, lol.

I know this greatly. :) All I wanted to know is how much of a difference it would make before I did something like this, that is, if the change, but with the shocks and EE rear bar, is negligible.
How will it drive? Depends on how you drive it.

For "normal" driving, you'll probably notice a bit more lean, to a point, but nothing too bad.

A Corvette can drive like a Civic if you drive it like a Civic, or a Ferrari if you drive it like a Ferrari. Drive reasonably and you'll be fine.

Heck, you'll probably get better mileage out of your shocks with it disconnected.
Im thinking that with the rear being stiffer than the front in a low traction (wet) corner its going to have a tendency to want to come around on you. FWIW
Too little rear bar and the front end breaks loose first, resulting in "understeer", or the tendency of the truck to keep going straight ahead and not turn as much as you asked for. Too much rear bar, and the rear end breaks loose first, resulting in "oversteer", or the tendency of the truck to turn more than you asked for. Removing the front bar makes almost any bar on the rear too much bar, and will probably always give you oversteer, and lots of it. If you never drive near the limits of traction, it's no big deal. In wet weather, though, it could get interesting. Remember to steer into the skid!:p
Ian and dreman--

Thanks for the replies. Having the EE bar alone, as you mentioned, would result in some strong oversteer. I trust my driving abilities, but I also cannot count on a deer not jumping out, or other drivers not, well, sucking at driving. I'm going to have to test the tires tomorrow and see how much they rub--and take it from there.

Again, thanks!
I love my Zabteck bar. There's 1 turn, about 1/2 mile from my place (on a pretty empty road mind you) that's like a zig-zag, and before I'd have to slow down b/c of the body roll, last time I wanted to see how fast I could take it, and the truck just stayed planted.
No, Tiger, I know it's not a sports car. But lowered, wider tires, upgraded shocks, helper springs, and the sway bar and it handles much better than stock.
i will let someone have my front sway bar ,and custom links. my ST drives like it is on rails, with them installed but that does nothing for me anymore. I enjoy 4 wheeeling and the sway bars take away from that.

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