Not natural born?

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I believe that the Hillary Clinton machine would have had the ways to find out and would have exposed BHO during the last prez election... if it were true.

I believe BHO either likes the myth to perpetuate, therefore being able to claim racism and stir the pot or that, there could be something on the birth document that might not quite jive with the perception of his lineage, religion or questionable qualifications for the office of POTUS.

I have a legal birth certificate and I can produce it an about 3 minutes. So does my wife and kids as well as a great number of U.S citizens. It's one of those things that most people ..just have! A definate point of curiosity in the case of Barry O. I just don't care for his matter where he came from.

BTW, I think most of the video is altered to make it appear things are happening on it that may not actually be.
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That's a spoof video. Look at the video at the 12 second mark...highly edited and spliced.

The joke is on anyone who believes the video.

I'm not here to say if he's born in USA or not...just the video is BS.
Today show, today, with Donald Trump talking on the very subject.

P.S., I'd vote for Trump because of two things he said:

1. The only reason I would invade Libya is if we get to keep the oil.

2. If I got elected my doctrine would be 'build, build, build' (speaking infrastructure, etc).

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I think Trump would make a suitable president. I don't think I'd vote for him in a primary, but he is successful for a reason, and it isn't political ties!
Several of Trump's projects have gone bankrupt as I recall, but he's remained unscathed.

Still, were that to happen with America under his reign, his track record shows that he'd have enough money left over to bail us out. :bwahaha:

He's a far better choice than some of the other potentials, and to tie into the other thread, he wouldn't be a "career politician". He's more in touch with the American economy than most of our current government, and he has something to loose with socialism. I doubt he'd be pushing for the wealthy to "pay their fair share" in higher taxes, or advocate handing our (and his) money out to deadbeats on the dole. If he's going to buy votes, he can do it with his own money :grin:

I agree.

I think Trump has one thing that many of our past presidents have not had. He has built things. Real, tangible things like companies, buildings, products, etc. Through that building he has had to plan, contract, hire, fire, budget, raise money, oversee, and delegate. He has done this on a huge scale. And, at times, he has failed at it, but then gotten back on course. There are those that say we learn more from our failures than our successes, so failure in of itself is no bad thing (not saying that you were saying it is).

I think he would be a very refreshing, "cut the bullsh!t!" president.

miles and looking to put a cold air intake on it, already have a Tornado which does help believe or not, right now fuel average is about 20 miles per gal.

Isn't it better to have a president who has never failed at anything in life? Someone nearly perfect in every way? Someone like President Obama?

I like to see some mistake making and failure in people. Even people that cut-n-paste without success.


Seriously, though, a sprinkling of failure builds character and keeps hubris in check.

Didn;t Trump declare bankruptcy a couple times... basically a rich mans "do over"...

Also Buil build build is great for America I agree, but why is it so many conservatives haggle and fuss over Obama doing that very thing with stimulus money, How else does a country build build build... We are putting lots of money into our roads and bridges and people are complaining......
I like to see some mistake making and failure in people. Even people that cut-n-paste without success.


Hugh, I definitely don't mean that to pick on you--just complimenting TJR's one-liner...
:bwahaha:, my bad guys. It fits so nicely into this thread, I don't think I'm even going to bother correcting it.

Unlike most current politicians, Trump didn't start out wealthy.
I really dont think obama was born. He fell through the roof of a kenyan hut. So as is goes. Where did the H*** did he come from..:bwahaha:
Unlike most current politicians, Trump didn't start out wealthy.

Donald Trump's father was a millionaire. After Donald finished business school, he began working for Dad and finally took over the company.

So, he may not have been born "rich", he had help and was given a company already established to run with.

I would consider that as being born wealthy.

Trump took Dad's Millions and turned it into his Billions. He definitely got a head start but he did not piss the money away, he grew it several 1000 times over.

A president with real world, private sector, business experience may be a good thing for a change.

Playing in the millionaire/billionaire world is one thing but playing in the "DC politicalreality" world is another. Not sure he could handle not being in control of everything and having to play push & shove in the sandbox. I could see him firing himself after a couple years when he got fed up with all the BS.

Still, he has re-invented himself many times and played in the big stakes arena of high dollar developer. I have counted him down & out a couple times myself. It is nice to see some one who can actually say whatever he thinks/feels for a change...LOL!

I would consider Trump born rich....he had a financial base and knowledge base to work with from the start. I liked when John Kerry was running for POTUS, saying something about taking America back from the "priviledged few" Heck, he was one of the "priviledged few". That's when I saw where he was coming from and how smart he thought we weren't.
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Ok, just read up on his background. I was under the impression that he was totally self-made. How ignorant of me to think it was truly possible.:sad: Thanks for the correction.

Still, he is different in that political correctness is not his game. I don't think he would run a campaign full of empty promises.

No matter how much the politicians want us bickering over the social issues and divide the country, the real issue is how THEY are pissing away our money with very little to show for. I don't think Trump would be so careless with the money. He is ingrained with a habit of making returns on investment. If it doesn't make sense, I think he wouldn't waste his signature on it.

And this is not Trump stumping. He definitely isn't my lead candidate at this point. I still have a lot of homework to do on the guy.
Trump started with millions and made billions.

That's just an upscaled version of starting with just the clothes on your back and making it to middle class in America.

Very similar in my eyes.

As I recall, Trump's father did start out with nothing. He was born to immigrants who fought to get to middle class status. So Trump's father would be eligible for the "Self-made man" candidacy, but Donald Trump is not?

Trump is a man of wealth who actively seeks to become wealthier. That counts for something, as opposed to a bulk of our past leaders who were wealthy, but took no interest in furthering their interests.

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