Now it appears that this NSA Data Center may be a waste of taxpayer's money. It was recently reported that since the NSA leak by Snowden, Al-Quida has already began changing the way they communicate, and are changing cellular, Internet, and email providers. One NSA official would not say how they know that Al-Quida is making changes, but claims that the NSA must start all over again.....
Of course this could be helpful in identifying Al-Quida operatives. The NSA will only need to track people who recently changed Cellular, Internet, or email providers since they will immediately be under suspicion...:grin:
I find it odd that the NSA would order all Cellular, Internet and email providers to give them the data they requested without the thought that one of these outsiders would not leak the information to the the end, it turned out to be one of their own. The biggest part of Security is Intelligence which the NSA appears to be missing. :smack: