O.T.: Bush orders Miers not to testify (venting)

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Sep 16, 2001
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Roseville/Sacramento, CA
In my opinion the White House is in contempt.


Bush orders Miers not to testify

By LAURIE KELLMAN, Associated Press Writer

Wed Jul 11, 6:44 PM ET

WASHINGTON - President Bush ordered former counsel Harriet Miers to defy a congressional summons, even as a second former aide told a Senate panel Wednesday she knew of no involvement by Bush in the dismissals of eight federal prosecutors.

Contempt citations against both women were a possibility.

House Democrats threatened to cite Miers if she refused to appear as subpoenaed for a Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday. The White House said she was immune from the subpoena and Bush had directed her not to appear, according to Miers' lawyer. Democrats said her immunity ended when she left her White House job.

Across the Capitol, meanwhile, former White House political director Sara Taylor found out what Miers may already have known: It's almost impossible to answer some committee questions but not others without breaching either the subpoena or Bush's claim of executive privilege.


continued . . .

Well at least he is predictable. Probably the worst politician in history. Im eagerly awaiting a new administration. Maybe there will be a group that takes care of the country instead of thier "base". It can only get better from here.
9 out of 10 politicians have their own agenda. Don't care if it is DEM , REP or whatever they claim to be. My opinion anyway. btw I consider myself a conservative liberal or a liberal conservative. Somewhere in the middle.
There are a few perks to being elected president in this country. The ability to pardon someone (for any crime or reason). The ability to fire appointed officials (for any reason, that whole I serve at the pleasure of the President line that we see in the movies sometimes).

And the most important perk is being able to order 2 desserts at state dinners

It's called executive privilege. A few former presidents (Washington, Jefferson, Eisenhower, Clinton, etc.... thought separation of powers and co-equal branches of government were a good idea too.)

Do a search for it on "The Google".
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It's a shame that congress wastes so much time on these witch hunts. Both parties do it and both need to stop. If that is all they have time to do, then we need to suspend them without pay until they show up to do something that truly benefits the American taxpayer. Not more federal programs and laws either; rather, the repeal and overhaul of the mess they've made over the past few decades. The IRS, social security, medicare, terrorism act, you name it. Everything they do just ends up increasing the size and cost of government.
She is/was the Presidents counsel. He and she are provided the same Attorney-Client privleges that we all have.

The idiots in Congress know that and are just using this as a political opportunity. They know that she does not legally have to testify and they knew that she would not. They summons her knowing full well that neither her or the President would agree and it would make a plitical statement to the press that they are attempting to hide something.

It makes no difference if you are a Republican or a Democrat. There is no leadership in either party. The only game they are playing is political mud slinging.

Congress just voted themselves a very significant pay raise for doing absolutely nothing the last 25+ years except attact the President (who ever was in office at the time). It's not much different than the big corporation CEO's who made bad decisions, lost millions or billions of dollars, layed off workers, lost customers and drove down the price of their stocks... and he gets a $2-3 million bonus while the remaining employees get a pay cut!


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You would think Congress would have more important stuff to do.

Sigh. Our government at work. :unsure:
300+ investigations into the Bush Administration and it's no wonder why Congress' approval ratings are at 24.8% (btw, even though Bush's approval ratings are at 30.2%, Pelosi is at 36% and Reid is at 19%, which ties him with Scooter Libby).

Let's not forget that the Klinton's took millions of dollars in donations from families for his Presidential Double-Wide Library and Brothel 1-1/2 hours from where I currently sit. It also just so happens that many of those families had one or more members that were pardoned by Mr. Clinton. Terrorists, Drug Dealers, murderers, etc. all of which are arguably more dangerous than Mr. Libby could ever hope to be.

Perspective people, perspective.

Let me also remind you that Mr. Clinton was found guilt of Perjury just as Mr. Libby. Yet his punishment was what? impeachment? Loss of law license? Wow. No prison time for him? Clinton was also found to have told his subordinates to lie for him. No have a faulty recollection, not have mis-spoken but lie.

Was it right for Mr. Bush to step in? It was legal. It was with merit and it was with precedent. Pardons and Commutations have been a part of the history of this country since Washington. Ford pardoned Nixon. It's the way it is. If you have a few million dollars to give to Mrs. Clinton I'm sure that you could get yourself a pardon IF she gets to take the oath of office for the President of the United States.
I guess people don't understand what it means to be president. I was taught in high school that with the exception of a censure, a president can't be called to testify in a hearing while acting as president. Seems quite proper that a presidents counsel, while the president is still active, should receive that same protection.

UPDATE: Yes, I meant to type "CAN'T" above...thanks Bill V.

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To the Democrats....

Ever heard of Separate But Equal Branches of Government?

To the Republicans...

If it looks like a scandal and smells like a scandal or at least can be made to look like one, it probably will be construed as one, even if it's not. Why be put in the position of having to defend a legal decision?

To both....

The American People grow increasingly disdainful of your bickering, lack of leadership, excessive spending and not doing what we've said we want done (win in Iraq, Build the Fence, keep out of our wallets, etc.). GET OVER YOURSELVES, S.T.F.U. and do your job.
Politicians suck. Period.

Where are the statesmen and humble public servants who value the common good over their pocketbooks and the pocketbooks of their supporters?

Both sides suck big time. I know we are supposed to vote, but it is hard to vote when there is no one worthy on either side.
Hey Jeff C>>

I suppose that it would be crass on my part to point out that when I mention how poor a job that G W has done, that you post a picture of someone ignoring terrorism. Is that the only thing that matters in this country??? Terror?? I cant take it any more.

I can only deduce that you are a one trick pony like your buddy Bush, and can only come back with the word 'Terrorism" because there is nothing else to alk about. The man has accomplished NOTHING positive for the citizens of the US during his 7 years at the helm. I implore you to come up with something.

There is more to life than terrorism plots. In fact, when your buddy Bush finally leaves office, the next administration will probably be seen as "Liberators", and will have flowers thrown at thier feet. It may even be a Republican administration there buddy. ANYONE but the imbecele thats in there now. The most selfish, callous, lying group that has ever stolen thier way into power.

Out of touch anyone??
I second that Frank- as frequently as Bush trots out the "law and order" rhetoric, invoking executive privilege to protect your cadre of advisers seems hypocritical and essentially limitless. The Bush lovers won't turn on him until he is found in bed with a dead girl or a live boy. (line borrowed from ex Louisiana governor and inmate Edwin Edwards).:angry:
I hate Bush more every day. The man is a complete idiot. Yes I voted for the retard but I blame the Democrats for that. The best they could come up with was Kerry? And their top 2 choices now are a beatch and a former muslim. God help us all.
R Shek, Every heard of "Checks & Balances"? That's why we have 3 seperate branches of Federal Gov't. to keep each other in check. That what I learned from my government class in high school.

Yep and that is why I posted what I did. You won't ever see the President demanding information from Senate lawmakers like this. You won't see the President demanding that Senate aids come testify before him and the Vice President. You won't see Congress demanding that the members of the Supreme Court do what they are demanding what they are demanding of the President and his staff.

It appears to be a one-way street.

I'll also remind you that Bush protected the Clinton White House when he first took the oath when the Republicans were demanding access to Clinton aides and documents. Executive Privelidge. Who in their right mind would want to be a Presidential Aide if they knew they could be called before Congress for sneezing too loudly then get imprisoned for his testimony ie Scooter Libby.

3 Separate but Equal branches of Government. Checks and Balances. All good when viewed with nobility and not political glasses.
Bush followers are nothing but sheeple. What I really like are all those Bush supporters here that are not anti-Bush.

I have said it many times before, and I will say it again.

When you get a Dick (Cheney) and a Bush (King George) together, there is going to be some screwing going on.

Have we had enough? Thank GOD there is a limit on presidential terms. Bush would be able to fix a third election and we would have to deal with this administration another 4 years.


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