O.T.: Bush orders Miers not to testify (venting)

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I hate to break it to you, but Reagan isn't going to run for president again. I liked Reagan too, but he wasn't perfect either. No candidate will ever measure up in everybody's eyes. We're always going to be stuck with the lesser of two evils.

A lot of people whine about the two party system, and use that as an excuse not to vote, but the truth is - it's what we're stuck with right now. The voters should be smart enough to tell the difference between a horn-dog (like Clinton) and a completely incompetent idiot (like Bush) and pick the one who won't run our country off into the ditch. Conservatives got so pissed off at Clinton for getting a ******** in the oval office, that they're willing to forgive the most corrupt bunch of treasonous liars to ever set foot in the White House.


I agree that Bush Sr. was pretty decent (ten times the president, W is). I voted for him the first time around. What turned me against him in '92 wasn't the economy - it was the way he handled the post war situation in Iraq. He virtually assured the Iraqi people we would support them if they rose up against Saddam, then stood by and did nothing while Saddam slaughtered them.
In both the 2000 and 2004 Presidential primaries, I voted for Alan Keyes as a write-in.

Got my issues with W, but for me he still beats the alternative(s). Gore is an environmental whack-job who would drive our economy into the toilet, Kerry is classless enough to cuss out the Secret Service agents whose job it is to protect him with their lives. Also his wife has lived here in Pittsburgh for most of the last 40 years and we here all know she's crazy.:wacko:
R Shek's hypocrisy would be revealed if he was honest enough to admit he wouldn't have these same "enlightened" opinions if Clinton were president.

Actually, I did. And I voted for the guy (the second time... too young the first time). I admired his ability to speak and have everything bounce off him that was thrown. Was he a good president? Honestly, I will say he wasn't all bad. There are many more things that I would disagree with than agree, but he definately wasn't the worst one we've had.

Am I a Bush totie? Absolutely not. The guy has lost a lot of respect from me, especially over several issues of late:

1) Immigration. How dare he call me a nut for being one of the 88% of the country that disagreed with what the proposal was.

2) Scooter Libby. Either pardon him or stay out until the appeal process is over. I would have preferred that he pardon him completely rather than do what he did, but I still understand the reasoning behind his decision.

3) Border Agents. Pardon. No question. Do It Now!

4) Democrats. He has the bully pulpit. Tell them where to stick it.

5) Iraq. Fight to win the sucker, not just fight to not lose. WTF man?

6) Spending..... geezus man. Get with it. Get the damned veto pen out and use it.

7) Republicans.... kick their rear ends into line and get some of the conservative issues settled once and for all... tax cut = permanent, etc.

8) Chavez, Castro, Putin, Amadinajad, Jong Il ... they are never going to like us. Don't try to be friends with them by giving them everything they want with nothing in return.

9) China, Japan, Germany et al. Let's make trade a bit more fair by either working with those countries that tax the beejezus out of our products to lighten the load. We can also reduce much of the buracracy that costs US Goods extravagent amounts to produce.

I'm sure I could come up with more.

Note that most of the above items are foreign affairs. Read the constitution and that is what the President is supposed to focus on.... so Focus on it.

Fair enough for you?
R Shek,

Did a rational person hijack your alias and write that? :D Seriously, I admire your ability to show some perspective. You got me. I didn't think you had it in you ;)


Bush was an empty suit as Governor of Texas - fairly harmless in a mostly ceremonial role (the legislature does most of the governing down here). When he ran for president in 2000, I didn't take him too seriously, because I didn't think enough people would be gullible enough to vote for him. Since then, he has demonstrated just how much damage an incompetent, intellectually lazy person can cause, when given too much power.

I don't hate him for all our problems - just for the chaos he is responsible for.

CNN reports...A judge has dismissed former CIA operative Valerie Plame's lawsuit accusing members of the Bush administration of leaking her identity.

CNN reports...A judge has dismissed former CIA operative Valerie Plame's lawsuit accusing members of the Bush administration of leaking her identity.

Another federal judge got something right... that's two in a row....

1) Washington DC's Handgun Ban deemed Unconstitutional

2) Valerie Plame told to shove it

A few more of these and we actually may get back to a government for the people by the people.

How about a few more overturnings:

1) Campaign Finance Reform

2) Gun Control Act of 1964

3) Brady Law

4) Roe V. Wade (send the issue to the states where it belongs)

many more....
R Shek, not to change the thread, but why is Roe V. Wade a state issue?

Are you saying that "in general" states, not the federal govt should tell people what they can and can't do?

R Shek, not to change the thread, but why is Roe V. Wade a state issue?

It's not really a "states" issue, but rather should be left up to the individual states to decide if they want to support it. Several states have recently tried to ban it and have overwhealming support to do so, but due to the Supreme Court's activism in years past they can't do much more than say "we disagree with you"....

I'd be willing to say that if left to the states it would be like 28-22 in favor of banning abortions of all types, and 40-10 for banning partial birth. I could be wrong. Even still, let the states and the people of the states decide.

The same argument could be used for many "hot topics", aside from "gun control" (firearms are protected under the 2nd amendment so no discussion should be left to the states on this issue).
I think the Federal government was involved, because some states disallowed abortions and then the moms would cross state lines to get abortions. Eventually all the states would have liberalized their laws and we would have the same situation. On a less controversial issue, Oklahoma was the only state in the US which banned tattoos. People simply drove to Texas or Kansas to get legal tattoos or had some illegal piercing shop (Piercing was legal; tattoos were not) do the job. Oklahoma caved in last year and legalized tattoos.

I personally am against abortions, and suspect that one day Roe vs. Wade will be overturned. I'm not sure what the answer is on this. The backshop abortions were horrific, but making abortions so accessible is killing millions of unwanted fetuses. There has to be a better solution. Perhaps teaching women about responsibilities like this would help.

I personally know a woman who is haunted by the realization she killed her only child when she was 16. She is in her late 40s now and wants a baby desperately, but has only conceived once since then and had a miscarriage. Mentally, she is a mess because of this. She is at a point now that I think it is best she never becomes a mother, because she is so unstable now. Having that abortion30 years ago, in her opinion, has destroyed her life.
I seen a bumper sticker that read...

"Against Abortions, don't have one"

Don't like what is on TV? Change the channel. Don't like a radio DJ? Tune to a different station. Don't like McDonalds food? Go somewhere else.

Pretty simple solutions.

Simply put, making it illegal isn't going to stop it. There will always be abortions. Legal or not. For crying out loud, lets make it safer for someone that is going to get it done no matter what the cost.


You are asking an awful lot: Wanting people to take personal responsibility.

Some folks think people are too stupid and need to be protected by the government to help them make better decisions.

I'm against abortion, but I am Pro-Choice.

Making abortions illegal is plain stupid. However, I would not want folks to have them. However, if they do, it is their business, not mine.
I seen a bumper sticker that read...

"Against Abortions, don't have one"

Don't like what is on TV? Change the channel. Don't like a radio DJ? Tune to a different station. Don't like McDonalds food? Go somewhere else.

Never really thought of it that way.... that is a good point. I am against regulating TV and radio any more than it already is (I have no problem with the FCC regulating what few words can't be said and that sexually explicit programming be kept off "family time"...). I can't stand the thought of the Goberment controlling what, when and how often we can eat....

I still think Roe v Wade needs to go, but you have provoked thought...
"...government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. The solutions we seek must be equitable, with no one group singled out to pay a higher price."

-Ronald Reagan, in his first inaugural address.

My politics are far-right, that said I am pro-choice. Vastly preferable to pay a few hundred bucks to kill that baby than pay child support for 18 years for a kid you didn't plan when all you wanted was sex. Put it to the Liberals that way and see what they say. :lol:
I remember a set of TV ads a few years ago that ended with the tagline "Life--What a Beautiful Choice". The ad was by a group that was trying at the time to get either Congressional or Court action (I forget which) to ban some/all abortions.

I disagreed with what the group was trying to do--but I fully agreed with their tagline. In five simple words, it expresses a beautiful support of life position, and their opposition to abortion--but in the long run, it acknowledges that abortion is, and should be, a choice, whether the ad author intended it or not.

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