R Shek's hypocrisy would be revealed if he was honest enough to admit he wouldn't have these same "enlightened" opinions if Clinton were president.
Actually, I did. And I voted for the guy (the second time... too young the first time). I admired his ability to speak and have everything bounce off him that was thrown. Was he a good president? Honestly, I will say he wasn't all bad. There are many more things that I would disagree with than agree, but he definately wasn't the worst one we've had.
Am I a Bush totie? Absolutely not. The guy has lost a lot of respect from me, especially over several issues of late:
1) Immigration. How dare he call me a nut for being one of the 88% of the country that disagreed with what the proposal was.
2) Scooter Libby. Either pardon him or stay out until the appeal process is over. I would have preferred that he pardon him completely rather than do what he did, but I still understand the reasoning behind his decision.
3) Border Agents. Pardon. No question. Do It Now!
4) Democrats. He has the bully pulpit. Tell them where to stick it.
5) Iraq. Fight to win the sucker, not just fight to not lose. WTF man?
6) Spending..... geezus man. Get with it. Get the damned veto pen out and use it.
7) Republicans.... kick their rear ends into line and get some of the conservative issues settled once and for all... tax cut = permanent, etc.
8) Chavez, Castro, Putin, Amadinajad, Jong Il ... they are never going to like us. Don't try to be friends with them by giving them everything they want with nothing in return.
9) China, Japan, Germany et al. Let's make trade a bit more fair by either working with those countries that tax the beejezus out of our products to lighten the load. We can also reduce much of the buracracy that costs US Goods extravagent amounts to produce.
I'm sure I could come up with more.
Note that most of the above items are foreign affairs. Read the constitution and that is what the President is supposed to focus on.... so Focus on it.
Fair enough for you?