Obama is in my town

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Brett Wustman

Active Member
Nov 18, 2005
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, MI
John Edwards is going to be giving Obama his endorsement tonight at a ralley in my town. I'm not really an Obama supporter ;), but it is pretty cool that they decided to do them endorsement here in Grand Rapids, Michigan considering its not that big of a city.

Reading the news today, it is like watching rats jump from a sinking ship. Everyone seems to be throwing their support to Obama. Looks like Mrs Clinton, the unsinkable, is just like the Titanic. There are no certainties in life, except death and taxes.
Six months ago, I was supporting Obama pretty well.

The church thing really took note with me. I do give Obama TONS of respect for not bailing on his friend the preacher after all of those comments came out. That took some nuts to stand there and say that he would not abandoned him as he was a friend and an important part of his life.

However, for me, I can't get past that Obama has listened to these type of comments and either agreed with or did nothing about that type of statement.

To me, it is like knowing someone is raping a 12 year old girl and doing nothing about it. In my eyes, you are equally guilty. Maybe you did not do the rape, but you allowed it to continue on. What kind of a person does that make you???

As far as Hillary goes. I have worked with her and know her on a personal level. This woman is not nice... That said, as a Senator I have to think she would be VERY good for the state she is representing. Why, she, like Bill, is very much so a politician. She has her sights set high, thus, she will do what it take to please you while in the Senator role. However, as a President, I could not support her as there is no where else for her to go I believe we will see many many negative things from her.

McCain is looking better every day. Anyone that was a POW has my respect as well as just being in the military for any length of time. Neither I fear that Obama not Hillary will support the military as they simply cannot understand the military as they have not been part of it.

That is my 2 cents...
As far as Hillary goes. I have worked with her and know her on a personal level. This woman is not nice...

A friend of mine worked with the Clintons while in the Marines. He said the exact same thing. He said Bill Clinton was a great guy with a great sense of humor. Hillary is just mean.

Accept it or not, Obama is going to be the next president.

Bill is really very cool... He is pretty laid back, will talk to you at ease one on one when not in the public forum.. Hillary is seriously just a mean person. The SS Guys I have worked with HATE to be assigned to her. She is simply rude and could care less if she offends you. I cannot personally say that when near her that I have ever heard her say a single nice sentence. Like, "hello", or anything even that simple...

Though I do not like her, much of my though process is because of the opportunity to work directly with her.

I will stand by what I said as far as her probably being a great Senator... She is goal driven. And while goal driven you will do what it takes to either get, or keep your people happy. Her goal... the White House...

I seriously believe you will see a different person if she is to win the Election. Her goal will have been met. She will worry about the next election just before the time comes. I do not believe she will do what we as the general public want or need while in office until the last year simply to go for re-election.

If I felt I had caught her on some bad days or something that would be different, but her bad days were every single moment I was around her.
Hillary is as fake as a $3 bill....she's trying to personify this nice personable person but it's not the real Hillary. When she extremely exagerated her story about landing under fire and all of, that was enough to proove that she's not at all real or genuine. That episode totaly disrespected the men and woman in our military that are exposed to the conditions that she tried to put herself in. What a shame...

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