Obama Picks Biden

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Biden appears to be a well respected and powerful Senator who is a very good speaker, but probably talks too much. Overall he appears to be an average Joe (no pun intended). He seems to be the Democrates pit bull and they send him out to attack the Republicans and he is usually very good at it. He makes a lot of good points, but does appear to be way too far to the left for my tastes.

The only dirt I have heard about him was back about 20 years ago when he was running as a candidate for President and it was revealed that he had plagerized something in one of his speaches, and he dropped out of the race right afterwards. But since then he has been a candidate in every Presidential election year since then and nobody every mentions the plagerism scandel any more?

I think it was a very good fit for Obama...Kind of a Good Cop, Bad Cop routine they can run together.

I thought Congressman Chet Edwards (TX) would have been a much better choice since he is more moderate, and a very strong supporter of our military. I never met him, but I worked with his wife LeeAnn some 15-20 years ago. The Republicans have tried everything to beat him in the elections, and even tried to divide his district so that he would be forced to move if he wanted to keep the troops at Ft. Hood in his district. That got overturned as illegal and he still has his district and there is no Republican that can touch him....Heck most of the die-hard Republicans like him and cannot find any fault with him, except that he is a Democrat.


Would have rather seen him pick Romney in order to help the economy (assuming Obama would give Romney the latitude and tasks to do so).

But since Obama has picked Biden, I probably will drop considering crossing party lines and voting for Obama. Biden turns me off...way off. I remember him during the Clarence Thomas hearings. A REAL jerk (then), IMHO.

Joe Biden gave Obama compliments like this....

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Of course he picked him. "Change you can believe in" Biden has been in congress

for 4 decades, let's pick a guy for political expediency not on core campaign values.

Let's see a Senator from Delaware, and a Senator with less than 1 term.

Give me a break!

Biden is a great choice. He will make a good V.P. Maybe a little honesty for a change too.

Hey TJR, who are you bull sh**ing...you werent gonna vote for Obama. You are a right winger.

Obama has about 65 days until the November election. He will undoubtedly win, so please embrace the change thats coming. I cant wait to be proud of my country again.
Obama has about 65 days until the November election. He will undoubtedly win, so please embrace the change thats coming. I cant wait to be proud of my country again.

Frank, if you are not proud of your country just because you don't like the President, then you are a scumball !!!

Biden has been in congress for 4 decades,

Talk about more of the same, he is exactly what this country doesn't need anymore, a parasitic government employee just sucking the lifeblood out of all of us, and who can't make reasonable and sound decisions !!!
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Biden is articulate, a pit bull for the DEMS, and reasonably left wing. On the other hand he is arrogant, and goes the party line. As pointed out, he is the same old thing. What we need is someone to put the USA first AHEAD of the party and self elevation. This goes for BOTH sides. I think McCain will do this, but lets see who he picks to satisfy the religious right. The stupidity of some people who are right wing to say they won't vote for McCain unless he picks a pro life VP. Would the rather see Obama and Bidden win both of whom are pro choice. Talking about cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Here's my two cents worth... :lol: Politics is way too serious of a game and we should just kick the lot of pompous, self centered yahoo's out of DC.

Here's my favorite bumper sticker so far in this election...

“Vote for the Kracker in 08”

Hey Les...I am NOT proud of it. Our international standing is in question. People around the world do not see America as the bastion of freedom and promise as they should. Working people are losing thier homes.

We are in a war (with the wrong country) that is killing our economy. There has been blunder after blunder by our selfish, war profiteering leaders.

Wages and the dollar are way down. Etc Etc...

America is in a state of dis repair My lack of pride does not mean I do not love America dude. You right wingers take any sort of criticism as dissent. Thats EXACTLY what is wrong with our country. The blind faith in the decisions that our leaders make, only leads to trouble. America is still "free" sonny. I am free to give my critical opinion of the flawed policies that the leaders make. If there is no fear of retort, or fear of accountability Les, then you have what is called a dictatorship. Wake up! Change is needed very badly. The ALL TIME low approval for the current adminstration dont lie!! The VAST majority of the country, and the world for that matter agree with what I am saying. To not agree, shows that you have a very closed mind.

I do not like MANY of the top politicians that are in Government. Not just ole W 43. The ones who are out-of-touch, and the ones who dangle religion are especially loathesome. Be assured, there are a LOT of em. I just hammer on your boy Bus h because he is all that the wing nuts on this site talk about.

Les, I surely hope you can see that what I state is pure fact. Sure I want Obama and Biden to win, but I would vote for anyone who is running that is to the left of Bush/McCain. And that, my friend, is most of the free world.
Hey TJR, who are you bull sh**ing...you werent gonna vote for Obama. You are a right winger.

Seriously, Tom. Don't disagree with the resident political zealot. And how right he is. I recall stopping by your place and your constant republican comments, offering me Bush pins with my drink, how you painted a huge elephant on the Mounty's hood, how you named your daughter Condoleezza, etc. :)

He will undoubtedly win, so please embrace the change thats coming.

Didn't the last poll show a swing with McCain leading by 5 percent?

Reuters, 8/20/08: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a sharp turnaround, Republican John McCain has opened a 5-point lead on Democrat Barack Obama in the U.S. presidential race and is seen as a stronger manager of the economy, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday."

Undoubtedly, eh?

To not agree, shows that you have a very closed mind.

The logical fallacy here! To not listen and not engage in debate is a closed mind. To listen, engage, and nevertheless disagree shows an open mind with a unique conclusion. Again, anyone who disagrees with Frank has a closed mind. How about this--how often do you engage in INTELLECTUAL and MEANINGFUL discourse with someone who disagrees, and not simply dismiss their opinion? Frank, your mind is as closed as any "right wing wacko" or those "sheep" you often cry about.

Les, I surely hope you can see that what I state is pure fact.

Throw some citations to authority up there.

Again, you're as bad as the right wing nuts. What is Barry's plan to reduce the United States' international debt (i.e., the subject of the film "I.O.U.S.A.")? How will windfall energy profit taxes spur alternative energy development without inevitably having oil companies simply pass the tax onto consumers with higher prices? (And, to be fair, how does Johnny plan to combat the same debt? And what about the indefinite Iraq comment he made when I saw him speak in Philadelphia [What, I went in and listened, instead of simply protesting outside? What a sad democrat I am.]? Is there an exit plan? And if so, what about the inevitable power vacuum and unrest that will follow?)

Until either Johnny or Barry start answering questions, I am not making any voting decision. And feel free to call me a "right wing nut" because I disagree with you or don't fall in line with your "left-wing democrats." (What, a democrat with a level head and is willing to listen to and work with Republicans? The donkeys will have nothing of it!) Obviously, canned phrases and words are your forte, and I wouldn't want to take that from you.
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I am free to give my critical opinion of the flawed policies that the leaders make.

You are absolutely right, however, I seriously doubt you participated in any way, shape or form, in protecting these rights.

Working people are losing thier homes.

Lets put responsibility where it belongs, with the individual home owner. Don't make the rest of us repsonsible for the inability of people to determine how to live within their means.

You right wingers take any sort of criticism as dissent.

Not true, present the facts and leave the emotion and name-calling out of it. You will have a significantly improved level of rehetoric.

The blind faith in the decisions that our leaders make,

Actually, your Democratic Congress can't make decisions, WHY, because they don't go to work. There too busy sucking up to each other, instead of sucking up to us, THE PEOPLE...

Change is needed very badly

Finally, something we agree on, just tell me how Obama is going to do this...


How can you be so sure the Obama and Biden will win in November. All the polls show that it's a neck and neck race with Obama losing about a 9% lead that he had before his trip to Iraq and Germany. It sounds like his grandstanding hurt him more than it helped.

I also think that while Obama can speak very well, they are just words without anything really new just talk. I liked Obama when he beat Hillary, but now I think he just mouths words that people want to hear...Just like all the politicians.

McCain is a Vietnam vet as am I and I hold him in high regard, but not just because of that, but because he not so far to the right and a much more moderate Republican. That ultimately may cost him some Republican votes, but I really think the days of the politically far left and far right's days are numbered. I think when the American public sees politicians putting teir party line above all else, they will vote them out of office and elect candidates who can compromise and respect the ideas of both side of the political fence.

Frank disrespectfully and unintelligently said:
Hey TJR, who are you bull sh**ing...you werent gonna vote for Obama. You are a right winger.

Obama lost my possible vote. He could have ran a split ticket and offered the VP to Romney as an offensive move. If he had, it would have made a stronger team than McCain/Romney and I probably would have crossed party lines...again, as I did when I voted for Clinton in his 2nd term.

I'll vote for whicher party has the stronger ticket. Biden hurt Obama's ticket, IMHO.

Adam said:
Seriously, Tom. Don't disagree with the resident political zealot. And how right he is. I recall stopping by your place and your constant republican comments, offering me Bush pins with my drink, how you painted a huge elephant on the Mounty's hood, how you named your daughter Condoleezza, etc.


Maybe McCain will pick Hillary as his VP. She probably would accept, since she seems to want that top job more than life itself. I think it would be an unbeatable ticket.

McCain/Clinton '08 :cool:
We still have to wait for the fat-lady to sing.

Hillary is still out there and there will be a floor vote. She (&Bill) could unite or split the party next week.


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