Obama wants government to drive energy bills up

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Jim Johnson

Active Member
Oct 30, 2000
Reaction score
Quinton, NJ
So, <B>how did you like paying more than $4.00 for a gallon of gas this summer?</B> If Obama gets his way, that will be just a cherished memory.

Excerpts from <A HREF="http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=79758">WorldNetDaily</A> (includes videos).

<B>Obama: Spike energy costs to make people go 'green'</B>

2007 interview: Proposes government create 'price signals' to control behavior

JOHNSTON, Iowa – In a recently publicized video from the Democratic primaries, Sen. Barack Obama said the government should drive energy bills up through "price signals" in order to force Americans into more environmentally friendly choices.

In the Nov. 9, 2007, interview on Iowa Public Television's "Iowa Press," Obama said Americans like driving SUVs and leaving the lights on, but since "it is undisputable that the climate is getting warmer," consumers would have to change their habits.

[Obama believes this despite the facts that A) over 31,000 American scientists have <A HREF="http://www.oism.org/pproject/"><B>signed a petition</B></A> stating that there is no evidence of man-made global warming, and B) there has been <A HREF="http://www.globalwarminghysteria.com/blog/nigel-calder-responds-to-no-sun-link-study.html"><B>no warming since 1999</B></A>.]

When asked what would make consumers change, Obama said government-created "price signals" would make people more mindful of energy costs and compel them to start changing light bulbs and turning off light switches.
If gas is more expensive, alternatives become more attractive. When gas hit $4.50, I got rid of my huge V8 F150 and got another Sport Trac. I wouldn't have done that if gas hadn't spiked. Unfortunately, a stick often works better than a carrot.....:cool:
Lasik1 said:
When gas hit $4.50, I got rid of my huge V8 F150 and got another Sport Trac. I wouldn't have done that if gas hadn't spiked.

So it took gas going from $2 a gallon to $4.50 a gallon for you to trade in your 13mpg (city) rated truck for a smaller truck that is rated for 14 mpg (city)?

What am I missing?

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So it took gas going from $2 a gallon to $4.50 a gallon for you to trade in your 13mpg truck for a 17mpg truck?

What am I missing?

His limit was different than yours. You were being hurt by $3.00/gallon gas, he was at $4.50.

This is America. We are allowed to make our own decisions. What works for me won't work for you. What works for you won't work for someone else.


Oh, I get it...but I just updated my post. Looking at Fueleconomy.gov ratings, they show city ratings for the F-150 and ST as 13mpg and 14mpg, respectively.

Assuming the F-150 were nearly paid for I don't see Lasik saving much. But hey, it's his money. If he is saving some then good for him.

You are right. For me when gas went up over 50% in less than two years I couldn't justify a the ST as a passenger vehicle driven mostly with only me in it when I was getting about 14mpg city, and doing mostly city type driving. So I sold when gas stayed over $3/gallon.

Then, as you said, there was a time where gas was more than twice the cost when many of us purchased our STs, SUVs, etc. When your monthly gas bill more than doubles, that puts a crunch in the wallet. A crunch that for many, they need to offset by more than a gallon or two MPG savings.

Still enjoying the Focus and its 31mpg city. Though I do need to buy new tires for the car after only 23k miles. Starting to hydroplane and have no traction in snow. Ford always seems to skimp on the shoes.

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Oh, I get it...but I just updated my post. Looking at Fueleconomy.gov ratings, they show city ratings for the F-150 and ST as 13mpg and 14mpg, respectively.

I get well over 14 MPH in City driving with my Trac.

Assuming the F-150 were nearly paid for I don't see Lasik saving much.

Assuming he borrowed money to buy the Sport trac? I doubt he borrowed money to buy the ST.

Here's the interview to which Jim referred.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/bueCxeXZAUU&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/bueCxeXZAUU&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Another problem is some of us cannot afford a newer vehicle that gets better mileage. For those of us that are living paycheck to paycheck, this could put us into a deeper hole where we couldn't afford mortgages anymore or other bills. I hope he doesn't win tomorrow...:angry:
Although I'm not an Obama supporter, he's right on this one. Americans are spoiled as hell and most will not conserve without being pushed. If he does this though then there should be some kind of discount for commercial truck drivers and others that have no choice.
Cayman said:
Assuming he borrowed money to buy the Sport trac? I doubt he borrowed money to buy the ST.

I don't understand your point. You yourself have said on these boards many time that one is very unlikely to buy a new car in order to save money on gas when they already have another car that is paid for (or mostly paid for).

Yes, the cost of financing would only drive up the difference. My point being that if one trades in a car that is mostly paid for to buy another car that gets better gas mileage, even if they pay for the difference owed out of pocket, they are still outlaying money, and they have instant depreciation on the new vehicle purchased. Add together money out of pocket, the equity/trade of the original vehicle and subtract from that the depreciated value of the new vehicle and you get some amount of money...for an ST probably $4K or more.

$4k buys a lot of gas when you are only looking at saving 1, maybe 2 mpg. At $4/gallon that's 1000 gallons, or 15,000 miles. So, yeah, dropping down to an ST might save money after one year...assuming an ST can hold its value. Lately, that's been a tall order.

Lasik1, good luck. Bottomline, if you NEED a truck, then the ST is as good as any to get, and a good step down from the F-150.

Sorry about thinking you had a manual tranny, I was wrong. I thought you did.

Rather than be a sarcastic wet knob, why not just simply correct me! That would be much more productive.

TAXATION WAS NEVER MEANT TO CONTROL US AND TO PASS THE POLITICAL AGENDA. If this is allowed then all our freedom are lost. We could tax ammo at $500 a box, there go the second amendment. You have a right to privacy and free speech, but you could be forced to pay $50 tax on newspapers and magazines, and the list would go on.

Using the taxation to form policy rather than just to raise money to finance their Constitutional responsibilities is dangerous. It already is misused, Obama apperas to be willing to make it worse. VERY SCARY!
Rather than be a sarcastic wet knob, why not just simply correct me! That would be much more productive.

Just pay back when I said "Republicans are anti-gay" and you come back and say "I am?".



But I hope you can see the difference in our two original statements.

In one case you make an indicting, blanket statement that is both biased and stereotyping. In my case I made an honest mistake regarding your truck.

Whatever happened to land of the free? Freedom of choice is one of things this country was founded on. I want to CHOOSE whether or not I "go green". And I don't care to go green.

Personally, I don't buy into this whole "the planet is melting" crap. This planet can regulate itself (i.e. what we refer to as natural disasters).

As for predicting global warming....our weather forecasters, as well as some of the greatest minds in the world, cannot predict if it's going to rain next weekend. What makes you think they can tell you what's going to happen in 10 freaking years?

You know, I was a fence sitter to be completely honest. But I'm off that fence now. I don't truly support either candidate, but I will not give my vote to Obama.


I agree that we cannot predict the weather 10 min from now let alone 10 years from now. The planet has warmed up a few degrees over the last hundred years, but if you look at the history of the planet, we've gone through ice ages and warming spells. When I went through college 5 years ago, we were taught that it is not "Global Warming," its "Global Climate Change (GCC)." This is because some places on earth are warming while others are cooling.

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