Obama's first Press conference in 5 minutes

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Nancy Reagan had astrologer.

See also consulted with Jeanne Dixon if I remember right.

Oh course I remember right:lol:

I'd never remember left!:D

Gotta love that first press conference,

Obama had to apologize to Nancy Reagan.:)

Maybe Biden is rubbing off on him already.

And I don't recall any other President Elect with a sign

like that at the podium, my teachers always called it a Lecturn.

TRJ, I think you are incorrect, it was Nancy Reagan, not Hillary. YOU got your first ladies mixed up.

Some of you guys are too much. YOU LOST, deal with it. You lost the House, you lost the Senate and now the White house. You don't think it may have anything to do with Republican credibility do you?

Point and laugh.....

Don't let facts get in your way. The Dems already had majorities in both house and senate. And it was Hillary that was communing with the dead.

You sir, are an ass!
You sir, are an ass!

Name calling always adds validity to an argument !

just in case...

The term validity (also called logical truth, analytic truth, or necessary truth) as it occurs in logic refers generally to a property of particular statements and deductive arguments. Although validity and logical truth are synonymous concepts, the terms are used variously in different contexts. Whether or not logical truth is analytic truth is a matter of clarification.

You may want to re-read the guidelines:

Please treat all contributors with respect.

Abusive language will not be tolerated.

We are all best served by an honest exchange of information and ideas. Consider

your input in this light before posting.

So who is the ass?

Do you know the meaning of "AND NOW", I stated ...and now the white house. I know that the House and Senate were already predominately Democrat. And by the way, some of you are so worried about Obama, I am more worried about Nancy Pelosi (who is further to the left than Sen. Kennedy), who has 60 % of the House. I prefer balance, and right now there isn't any.

However, I do stand corrected about the Nancy seance. It was Hillary that was supposed to be involve with seance. I think the confusion comes from Nancy's afore mentioned (budfromballground) astrology, which is not the same as a seance. Hillary's supposed seance sounds like the kind of thing made up by the conservative, cigar smoking, ex-drugie Rush Limbaugh or someone like him and and because of him and people like him, I would need more proof. As I do think that the Rebublicans creditability is waning as a consequence of Rush and friends. Note how South Florida turned a bright blue even though and perhaps because of Republicans phoning latino's with the message that Fidal Castro endorsed Obama. Again, possibly the result of waning Republican credibility?

Here is part of a result of a Wikipedia lookup on Nancy Reagan:

...Always protective of her husband, more controversy ensued when it was revealed

in 1988 that she had consulted an astrologer to assist in planning the president's

schedule after the 1981 assassination attempt on her husband.

On the other hand, when you lookup Hillary, no mention of a seance. Gee, if it really happened, I would think that it would be included. I wonder why it isn't? Please don't tell me that it is because Wikipedia is part of the lying liberal media. More lies, half truths and dirty tricks from the Republican conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and friends perhaps?

(edit consisted of making the word supposed bold)

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Just for the record, I don't check Wikipedia often since the information can be edited to suit the reader. Snopes is in the tank for Obama and liberals in general, so I don't check there much anymore for sensitive info.

I watched four news shows last night that were discussing the slip BHO made about Nancy Reagan. They all said that it was Hillary who had a seance and used a Ouijia (sp) board to try to communicate with Eleanor Roosevelt.

I kinda like the adjective "pin head" to describe someone who proclaims to know more than anyone else in the world.

Just curious, you say Wikipedia is unreliable, but yet you are willing to accept the "I heard that he said that he said that she said"? Kinda makes it hard to get it all PINNED down.:lol:

How about this one from the National First Lady's Library:

...Perhaps Nancy Reagan's largest and most important work as First Lady, however, was her role as the President's personal protector. Part of this role grew out of the March 30, 1981 assassination attempt on his life. Forever afterwards, Nancy Reagan made it her concern to know his schedule: in what public venues would he be speaking, before what groups, at what time, as well as with whom he would be privately meeting. In time, her concern to protect her husband's personal well-being led her to consult an astrologer to attempt to discern precisely what days and at what times would be optimum for safety and success, and which slots were to be avoided because potential dangers as reflected in the astrological readings. ...

Again a lookup of Hillary yeilded no results on any seance taking place. Although her admiration of E. Roosevelt was mentioned a few times. Nothing to do with a seance though.

As for your left handed name calling, is it me or BHO that you are referring to as a "pin head".

If it is me (and I suspect that it was), I don't ever remember proclaiming that I know more than anyone else anywhere much less the whole world.:lol:

You don't have to be a conservative to have an opinion, we all have one. I am certainly willing to respect yours with the expectation that you respect mine.

It does seem though that some conservatives seem to believe that they have a right to be disrespectful, but rant and rave when someone else makes a slip up which showed disrespect.

How about a poll, like how many of you conservatives would rather have just one party, that one party being Republican of course, conservatives controlling all branchs of Gov. (ultra conservatives, like Dick Cheney or GW)?

(edit = correct sp of unreliable and addition of quote from National First Lady's Library and addition of all branchs of gov..)
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How about a poll, like how many of you conservatives would rather have just one party, that one party being Republican of course, conservatives controlling all branchs of Gov. (ultra conservatives, like Dick Cheney or GW)?

I would like to see both parties fall by the wayside. Rather see independents replace all of them and really go to work this country. The left and the right have become too self serving and party dependent with their actions.

I tend to lean conservative. This is my opinion.

It does seem though that some conservatives seem to believe that they have a right to be disrespectful, but rant and rave when someone else makes a slip up which showed disrespect.

That funny:lol: as I watched this board and sat and listened to people I know in my personal life. I saw disrespect and name calling from left more than I did from the right. Many times I sat back in amazment when the person on the left was still ranting. The person on the right hadnt' opened their mouth in 15 minutes.:lol:
Fast Eddie,

Since I am independent, I can't argue with that, though the purpose of the poll wasn't to argue, but rather to gain info. curious mostly.

As far as disrespect though, I have had the opposite experience, from friends and even my own brother. Those friends (include brother) that are conservatives can be real hot heads when discussing politics.:lol:

However, looking through this particual tread, I can't find any name calling (certainly not towards those that appear conservative by those that seem liberal), other than those directed towards me.:lol: In fact, most of the name calling I have seen on here over time, came from conservatives. Remember "Q", he certainly seem to be conservative to me and I don't think too many here, at that time, escaped his name calling. Even Q never seemed to get around to me though, guess I should feel slighted.:lol:

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I would like to see both parties fall by the wayside

Me too Eddie......seems there has always been that struggle and finger pointing per say when things don't go right between the two parties which keeps this country devided.

I think it was Bill (not for certain) thought maybe if we had a King & Queen and they remained in power until their death would be a good idea. I donno, it could go either way.

Then we could become "The Royal United States Of America" :)

In regards to the above about which First Lady did what, this was printed in the article link I posted earlier about White House Ghosts......

In his book The Choice, Bob Woodward of Watergate fame describes how in 1995, a séance was held by psychic Jean Houston in the White House solarium, during which Hillary sank into a trance and channeled the spirits of Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi. There are also rumors that in the late 1970s, Nancy Reagan’s personal astrologer, Joan Quigley, arranged another attempt to communicate with spirits through the “White House portal.”

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In his book The Choice, Bob Woodward of Watergate fame describes how in 1995, a séance was held by psychic Jean Houston in the White House solarium, during which Hillary sank into a trance and channeled the spirits of Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi. There are also rumors that in the late 1970s, Nancy Reagan’s personal astrologer, Joan Quigley, arranged another attempt to communicate with spirits through the “White House portal.”

Interesting, it is possible that both first ladies held séance? I could leave it at that, though at least to me, Woodward is not necessarily a trusted source; though a LOT move trusted than Rush and some the the new TV Limbraugh clones (believe it or not, some of my views are conservative, such as gun rights, when the supreme court interpreted the second amendment as an individual right, I was elated, very happy).:D
However, looking through this particual tread, I can't find any name calling (certainly not towards those that appear conservative by those that seem liberal), other than those directed towards me. In fact, most of the name calling I have seen on here over time, came from conservatives.

JJ, I guess you missed Frank lovingly describing those that questioned Obama's history, his refusal to provide documentation, his questionable character and his close friends.


I don't really know other than from what can be dug up on the topic. They claim there is a link posted on the whitehouse.gov site regarding the possiblity of ghosts, etc. that have been seen or heard from former families living there, but I haven't gone there to see for myself.

I just figure Obama got some inside info regarding happinings from within the white house in the past and he blirted out that comment about Nancy.

Correction.....here's the link Be sure to check out the "spooky video section" on the site
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Hi Les,

Can't find Frank in this tread, so I assume you are referring to another one?

Guess I missed that one, been away for awhile and I don't recognize some of these names. I am interested though, can you give me the thread name or some means to look it up?
I did read the Chief Usher's ask the white house, couldn't get the videos to work though. Don't know if the video has anything to do with Vista or explorer 7. Anyway, I can barely keep my eyes open, good night.:)

BTW, nice xmas tree, wonder what that would look like in those silver and gold beer cans.
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The video's just show some of the guys that work the white house and explain what they think they heard/saw.

The tree.....if I do one, it will be coke cans and mini white lights. I've got gobbs of Coke Xmas ornaments which might look good on one as well.

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