Officially Retired from the Air Force!

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Congratulations on your retirement and service to our country.

Like to Navy says...Fair winds and following seas.


US Navy Retired (26 years)
Congrats! Thanks for your service to our country and enjoy your retirement! :saluting smiley: :cool:
Thanks everyone for the well-wishes. My home base was Hanscom Air Force Base. This base is one of the best kept secrets in the Air Force. The only aircraft coming and going on a regular basis were the private jets of the politicians or sports teams. Thankfully our job in the Air Force Reserve gave us the opportunity to serve all over the world. Larry, I was sure glad to unload that Airman's Manual. I was beginning to think it was permanently attached to my leg!:lol:

I can tell you I had some separation anxiety the first two months I was out. (My last Air Force assignment was in April). I went from being the Superintendent of the Air Terminal Operations Center, to an everyday civilian. But then things changed. My first retirement check came in June, I had time to attend the Louisville Meet, I picked up the guitar again, (after 40 years - I still suck at it), I get to see the grandchildren any weekend I please. Of course I still have my civilian job, so I still get to travel the world. (Saturday I leave for 2 weeks in China). As one chapter closes, another opens.

For anyone just beginning their military career, I applaud your choice and recommend you take advantage of all the opportunities that are present. For those that have served, or are currently serving, I salute you and thank you for your service.
Rampo, conrats on your retirement. My wife will retire next year with 24 years, and I just hit 19. We met at Hansom 17 years ago, and I agree it is a secret. We really enjoyed that place.

We will finish up here in Alaska and plan on staying here.

Again, congrats.


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