Oil change time

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Mike Roncarati

Active Member
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Wilbraham, MA
O.K. time for an oil and filter change. Pretty strait forward until I started hanging out here, just used castrol 5w-30 and fram filters. Any benefits to using anything different????? 2001 with 65k.

amsoil is the absolute best, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Mobile 1 is next as long as you use a top of the line filter, the Mobile 1 is very good.
From what I've read the past few years, Fram filters aren't what they used to be.

I use 5W-30 Mobil-1 full synthetic, with the Motorcraft filter.
Frams have the weakest construction and lowest sq. in. of filter element out there. A Fram will not necessarily blow up your engine but there are better filters available for the same money (Motorcraft) or less (SuperTech). Also do not be fooled by the new Autolite filters showing up at Wal-Mart, they're just relabeled Frams.

Castrol is fine for a conventional oil, but go with a Motorcraft filter. Same price as Fram but vastly better.

Quickie primer from BobIsTheOilGuy.com:

Best filters--K&N, Mobil 1, Baldwin

Really good filters--NAPA Gold, Purolator PureONE

Best filters for the money--Motorcraft, AC

Cheap but decent--SuperTech, STP, regular Purolator
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Mike, the onlt benifit is, you save money by going with the regular oil. I would change to the Motorcraft filters though. I used Fram and had a rattle at start-up. Took it to dealer and they said to change it to Motorcraft filters. Changed to Motorcraft filters and it went away. I don't use Mobil 1 because it only gave me maybe 1 mpg more. For the price, I changed to Supertech (Walmart brand) synthetic oil and change every 5k miles. Used the same oil in my Toyota for years and it's still running with no engine problems.(220k miles and my friend bought it) So, maybe just switch filters and run whatever oil you can afford, you'll be fine.;)
I have no particular reason for using fram, just habit I guess. I do have that rattle at startup sometimes so hopefully a better filter will do the trick. Thanks for the opinions everyone. I love this site.
I purchased a Escort GT off eBay a few years back. During start-up, it would rattle. Didn't really care since the engine is coming out. I was going through inspection to get my plates, so I changed the oil. Low and behold, they was a Fram filter on the engine. Pulled the filter and used some other cheap filter I had laying around. Never heard the rattle since. The same oil has been in tha engine 2 years now and still no rattle.

I like Royal Purple oil, but it can be spendy if you aren't using it for sport car applications :)

I also use Motorcraft filters...
I like the supertech from walmart as well, change every 6k... I like the amsoil though because they have the science behind it, it is all about testing
I buy the cheapest filter and cheapest oil I can get. It's only in there for 3000 miles. I've always done that and all of my vehicles (all Fords) have lasted up to and beyond 200k miles. As long as you don't wait longer than 3000 miles, you can't convince me that it makes a diff.
I used to use K&N, but I'm back to Motorcraft filters. With as often as I change oil, I wasn't getting the full use of the K&Ns, plus I just bought a case of Motorcraft filters for like $9. Still use the Mobil 1 Synthetic though.
Royal Purple here because I prefer changing it every 10,000 miles instead of 4,000. Expensive stuff but I buy it direct from a guy that works there and get a pretty good deal. Use K&N filter (with magnets attached) so I won't have to change the filter except at oil change.

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