One piece billet grille? (instead of 4 pieces)

Ford SportTrac Forum

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I forget who, but a member of this site did a much better job on their 1 piece grille. I'm sure somebody will link to that profile very soon.

This blue Trac's grille appears to be recessed, whereas the aforementioned member's grille was flush with the surrounding bumper cover.

I'm not going to pass personal judgement on this Trac. I can't decide if I like it or hate it.
I have always thought that the nostrils sort defined the ST 'look' and think they should be kept. Removing the cross bar doesn't improve the look either. Of course that is just IMHO.

My billet grill sits behind the grill so it naturally appears like 4 pieces even though it is just one piece behind the grill. I didn't get the lower portion as it would have interfered with the tow rings.
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