Opening Day!

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Go Indians...and take the Browns with you. hopefully the Cav's will follow.

Seriously, I would like the Tribe to be good this year, but they won't.

Welcome to Cleveland!!!

Seriously, I would like the Tribe to be good this year, but they won't.

You sound like these guys. Is one of them actually you?:bwahaha:

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Go Braves! I cheer for the Pirates as an aside, or maybe a laugh, I don't know anymore.
Dang it.. Well, the ride was nice for my Royals, but we are no longer undefeated.. :cry:

YES, I know we only played one game, but thats not the point!!!
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Joe, I live in Pittsburgh and I honestly think the only reason the city keeps the Pirates around is because they bring in alot of revenue, that's the only reason I can think of.

As a business model, I think the Pirates are well run. They keep costs low by only having no-names and selling their good players when they become profitable. It's kinda like a minor league team that gets to try players against major league teams. That way, the big spenders can know how well a minor league player really competes in the majors.:bwahaha:

But really, though, the Pittsburgh has one of the nicest stadiums in the country.
Hugh, you're correct on everything you just said. It doen't matter where you sit in that stadium, there's no bad seat for watching the game.
The Rangers brought it to the Red Sox all weekend long with a three-game SWEEP! Where are those Yankees? Bring 'em on!
For the first time in as long as I can remember the Wisconsin governor has blown off attending the Brewer's opener. Word has it that he was concerned for his safety. I'll betcha he blows off the fishing opener too, thinking that some Democrats are going to torpedo his boat.
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