Orange Coolant????

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Bobby Chong

Jul 9, 2005
Reaction score
Calgary, AB
Hello everyone.

I was just wandering if the orange color coolant in my 2003 ST is the same as the GM long life coolant? I went to Wal-Mart to have a look at their coolant and all they have is the green coolant and the GM Dex-cool coolant. I thought that maybe there's a special coolant for Ford vehicles but no such luck.

Help......and thanks.
My ST has a sticker saying NOT to use the orange coolant. However I have a 2001. Ford may have changed something inbetween our ST's.

I had a 2001 Sport Trac and now have a 2003 Sport Trac.

The early 2001 and 2002 models used what Ford called their Yellow coolant, which is a glycol based coolant like the green coolants that have been around for years. These eary model vehicles had warning stickkers and instruction in the owners manual not to use the Orange coolant. There was never an explaination given?

The 2003 and later model Sport Tracs appear to come with the Orange coolant. My understanding is that the Orange coolant has a longer life (about 5 years) similar to GM's long-life coolant.

You can tell that my 2003 is one of the first off the line,

it has the "no orange" coolant sticker, yet has orange coolant in it.

Use that universal coolant from Prestone in everything!

New Prestone® All Makes All Models Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant

Confused as to which antifreeze goes in your car or light duty truck? New Prestone® All Makes All Models Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant is intended for use in all foreign or domestic passenger cars and light duty trucks on the road today. This patented, technologically-advanced formula and traditional color is compatible with ANY make or model of car or light duty truck and mixes with ANY color of antifreeze. The New Prestone concentrated formula also offers up to five years or 150,000 mile protection when added to any extended life antifreeze coolant or when your vehicle is flushed and filled with New Prestone Antifreeze according to directions on the package. The vehicle's owner's manual should always be consulted to determine the specific maintenance and changeover intervals.

New Prestone Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant has a dual action formula that can provide protection from -86oF to 276oF. It protects all cooling system metals from rust and corrosion including the thin, lightweight aluminum found in many newer radiators.

How the All-New Prestone® Antifreeze/Coolant Works with All Makes and Models

Domestic, Asian and European manufacturers tend to use different antifreeze/coolant formulas in new vehicles. This has caused confusion among consumers – many just don’t know which aftermarket antifreeze/coolant is right for their vehicle. The NEW Prestone® All Makes All Models Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant is compatible with all these formulas.

The new Prestone® All Makes All Models Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant is a patented Organic Acid Technology formula that offers up to five years or 150,000 miles of protection when it is added to any extended life antifreeze/coolant. When added to a vehicle’s current formula, it is designed to provide the properties and change over intervals of that formula, be it one that offers 30,000-miles of protection, 100,000-miles of protection or 150,000-miles of protection.

The new formula has been tested with antifreeze/coolant formulations that are factory installed by major auto and light-duty truck makers. It may be added to the antifreeze/coolant of any make or model automobile or light duty truck on the road, foreign or domestic.

Motorists should always check their owner’s manual to ensure they are following the manufacturer’s recommendations on the appropriate flush and fill maintenance procedures for their vehicle.

The new formula does not offer extended life properties when added to a conventional silicated coolant that requires attention every two years or 30,000 miles. It will offer the same protection as the vehicle’s original coolant without degrading its protection.

The new Prestone® 50/50 Prediluted All Makes All Models Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant formula should only be used to top off the cooling system. For a flush and fill, motorists should use the full concentrate formula offered by the brand to ensure the right mix of water and antifreeze concentrate.

The new formula can be found at automotive retailers and discount mass merchandise outlets throughout North America.

Chris P,

My 2003 Sport Trac was built on December 12, 2002 and like yours , it came with the Orange coolant and no stickers.

My 2001 Job1 was built on June 19, 2000 and had the Yellow cooant, and no sticker but the owners manual explicitly stated NOT to use the Orange coolant.

My guess is that there was some incompatiblity with some component of the early engines and the Orange coolant. Later, in 2002 or 2003 they made some change that allowed the Orange coolant to be used.

I do believe the new universal coolants mentioned by Gavin are safe to use in all models. Just be sure to flush out the old before changing to the new universal coolants.

My '04 build date 11/03, has the orange, with the use only sticker.
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Who knows? If the GM coolant meets the Ford coolant specs the it would be OK, however I doubt that GM would care if their coolant worked in Ford vehicles.

If you want the extended life coolants use one of the universal brands like Prestone, etc mentioned by Gavin. I'm sure they are as good or better than the Ford or GM equivilants and likely a bit cheaper as well.

the ford orange coolant says on the bottle only to use on mercury cougar and electric ranger

i thought the yellow coolant was mostly for 2004 and on models and green for anything older.

my two cents

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