OT: Am I the Only One Left That....

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Thomas Rogers

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Sellersville, PA
...makes a sincere attempt when in slow moving bumper to bumper traffic, like when approaching a busy traffic light, to NOT block entrances to side-streets?

Instead of glueing myself to the guys bumper ahead of me, when I am in front of a side street I wait until the line of cars in front pulls far enough ahead for me to clear the entrance to the side street then I proceed.

Then, invariably, the joker behind me just blocks it! Yet, I continue this practice all the time. The rest is easy to predict...someone coming from the other direction wants to turn left, they sit, waiting for traffic to clear, then traffic backs up behind them all the way to the light, and even if it doesn't gridlock is slows those going through and turning left in the intersection ahead.

I have several intersections in our town like this, and everyone selfishly tries to get through as quickly as possible, and in the process slows everything down.

Same thing with construction lane closures and the "left lane closed...1/2 mile, 2000 ft, 1000ft, 500ft, CLOSED"...invariably it plugs at the very mouth as people jockey, instead of filing into the lane ahead of time in an orderly fashion.

I am glad I take my rage out here and not on the road.

We have a grid painted in some of our intersections, with a "don't block the box" campaign. If you're caught in there blocking traffic, it's $500+2pts on license.

Problem is it should be like that everywhere, and cops should watch it.
I know what you mean. It's that "every man for himself" attitude that everyone seems to have these days. You can get a ticket for blocking an intersection here in Houston but of course there's never a cop around when you need them. This is why I'm pushing for a Traffic Death Ray. When someone does something rude/stupid a Satellite will shoot out a laser (particle beam?) that obliterates the vehicle and driver. Write your congressman today and demand this!

[Broken External Image]:
I know back home, there are a few problem intersections, and there's usually 2 motorcycle officers at each intersection that will walk up to you, and tell you to pull into a nearby gas station parking lot if you block the intersection. Where there's another officer waiting to write a ticket. Quite humorous as there's really no arguement with the giant sign that says "Do Not Block"

I just think it's stupid that it has to come to that. I mean, shouldn't the police be out doing "more important" things.
I must say that around here, the majority of the drivers respect the "Keep Intersection Clear" painted on the road, but alas, a couple idiots can cause a lot of traffic problems...


I do not block intersections either, meaning I'm not one of those idiots ;)
I agree. I always do my best to leave room for others.

The golden rule thing, "Treat others as you would want them to treat you".
The golden rule thing, "Treat others as you would want them to treat you".

:) I thought it was do unto others before they can do unto you:)

Nothing aggravates me more than the folks zipping by you, knowing they have to merge up ahead and that they are going to be the ones contributing to the delays.......:angry:
Today is Friday. I hate leaving work on Fridays, it being payday for many people. At the end of the street there is a redlight with a credit union around the corner. 99% of the traffic on the main street WILL be blissfully ignorant and WILL block the entrance of the credit union. Therefore no one can turn left into the credit union, backing up traffic through the intersection and blocking things in every direction.

Funny thing is, cops in this town love writing tickets for any little thing they can but they never put anybody over there. Could be a real money-maker.
That's exactly what I am talking about JohnnyO. If the people that are doing the blocking to the Credit Union would stop doing that, everyone would get through the intersection ahead faster and easier.

I can see if your rude behavior was a benefit, say when cutting in line at a fast food place, but when your rude behavior CLEARLY costs you a delay...WTF!

Time to change credit unions :) Surely, the CU has a second entrance or back entrance instead? If not, that sure was poor planning on their part.
Fridays are the worst here in OKC. It seems like everyone gets off early and heads south to Texas, so I-35 is backed up. Plus some folks get in such a big hurry to get home that they create a crash-up derby on the Interstates.

I never make it a week without seeing at least one accident on my daily commute. The worst was an eight-car pile up, but I have also seen two dead bodies laying in the middle of the Interstate as well (the last one was two weeks ago today -- no vehicle in this case -- it seems he jumped/fell from the overpass onto the highway below). :eek:
First off, it's 'Flatliner Friday'... Meaning that if you hooked up most people's brains to an activity scanner today, it would have a flat line going across it! So you can't expect much out of 'em. (As if you could on any other day...)

Second, I too try to keep intersections & driveways clear. It's illegal in Kollyfornya to enter an intersection NO MATTER WHAT COLOR THE TRAFFIC LIGHT if you can't clear it! (As it is in most states.) Page 17 of the Kollyfornya Driver's handbook! I keep a copy of the handbook in the driver's side door pocket to wave at people that block intersections. (Keeps the 'Tourret's Finger' from flying...) They still swear back at me for 'enlightening' them. lol
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