OT: Anti-War Protests Target Wounded at Army Hospital

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Bosnia? Bosnia?

Hmmm... Let's see: Wasn't that a conflict where we went in unilaterally, without Congressional authorization, without UN approval, fought Muslim terrorists (I'm sorry, I meant insurgents) and removed a dictator from power?

I don't seem to remember too many protests or media outrage about that...

:lol::lol::lol::lol: We still have folks in Bosnia. And Albania and Kosovo and Montenegro and ... Been there, done that. Since ALL the troops were pulled out.

I have a dollar with Bill on it - stood next to Monica.

We still have folks in Bosnia. And Albania and Kosovo and Montenegro and ... Been there, done that. Since ALL the troops were pulled out.

So would that make the Balkans a quagmire?
According to Mr. Bush, we are waging a "war on terrorism". Don't you think that during a time of national crisis our chief executive should be working as hard or harder than any infantry soldier in Iraq?

Guess riding a powerboat and playing golf is pretty dangerous, eh Dive?

Oh and thanks for changing the subject to the former president. Kinda makes your boy not look so bad?
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So would that make the Balkans a quagmire?

It is only a quagmire when a Republican is president.

Viet Nam

Kennedy (d) - Call to action

Johnson (d) - Police Action

Nixon (r) - Quagmire

Remember, liberals only look at partial facts in order to paint their viewpoint. If they were to look at ALL of the facts, they'd have no rationale for hate preaching.

Liberal platforms

Anit-Christian - they support all other religions - Buddist, Islam (even radicals), beastialitists, etc. - but they are moving to outlaw Christianity

Anti-Conservative - Anything that is not a liberal ideal, they are against.

Anti-Republican - even when the parties are aligned on the same issue, they oppose the Republican viewpoint.

Anti-life - Euthanizing, abortion, etc. (but they are anti-death penalty, anti-war when we oppose genocidal maniacs like Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, Pol Pot, et al)

Anti-liberty - Veiled as supporters of liberty. You can do anything you want to as long as you believe in liberal ideals. No Christians, no property, no business, no commerce, no free speech, etc.

Anti-fair trade - Anything to open the doors to be good citizens and allow underprivilidged people of communist dictator-ruled countries have American jobs (NAFTA/GATT). Liberals also get to blame the current republican administration for those same job losses. Brilliant!

Anti-American (way of life) - See all other topics. America is a bad country. It serves no purpose other than to help its own citizens (the ones who actually want help and are willing to lift their own finger). America is bad. It is a tyranny that murdered millions of good, wholesome Nazis and Japanese who were only trying to help the nations they had moved into...like those stupid citizens of <a href="http://www.tribo.org/nanking/" target="_blank">Nanking</a>.

Anti-Constitution - Let's see...I know that it says that the government shall not establish a state religion...let's translate that too freedom from religion...instead of freedom of religion (unless it is something other than Christianity)

Anti-military - No matter how you slice it...liberals will never really support the military. They feel that people who server their country voluntarily are stupid. They have no free will and couldn't make a couldn't cut it in the real world. Soldiers who die for this country are idiots and should be treated as such.

Liberalism doesn't stand for anything. It is about opposing everything else. There is no platform.

Yeah, Darin...no other presdent took time off. Even that beloved liar FDR took time off during WWII. He died durning his time off in Georgia.
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If I had the time to prove to you each point, I don't know that I would waste it on you. All you have to do is stop watching/reading the mainstream media and start reading and talking to people who are actually involved. Talk to soldiers who serve.

I like seeing protesters who are as literate as my dog, being interviewed on TV...it just proves that liberals don't think. They drink the kool aide and regurgitate the mantra, word for word.

Start thinking. It may be painful, but it will help you.
I am a Disabled American Veteran who served his country during the most unpopular war (conflict) on record. Most of America was protesting the war and most of them looked down on us as if we had something to do with it. I fought, not to defend my country but because my country wanted me to. I feel very strong about the war in Iraq. In my opinion we should have never been ordered there. Sadam Hussein was never a threat to us, Bin Laden was and still is. I strongly support the troops that are there but they were sent for the wrong reason. This war as well as the Vietnam war was not a war defending our freedom but wars to impose our freedoms and beliefs on others. The people that are protesting has every right to do so. Because I love Sport Trac’s doesn’t mean everybody has to. It’s every individuals right to believe in and worship as they please, deal with it.

I urge you to visit some third world countries, come back and let me know what you think of our country then. Protestors are like my TV, I can turn them on or off, listen to the ones I agree with and bitch at the ones I don’t.

Okay I’m coming down off my soapbox. See democracy works, I was able to vent my feeling without fear of being beheaded.

It's deplorable to demonstrate against the war in front of a place where these soldiers are trying to recover, physically as well as psychologically. But, fact is, any smart protester looks for a location that gets them the most coverage.

That's why that Sheehan lady is in Crawford, TX. Bush has been a fool to stay down there and give her the opportunity to isolate him and herself in the presence of a bunch of drama-hungry reporters.

EDIT: Gene, excellent soapbox.
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This isn't about the right to protest or about the war. This is about protesting against the soldier. It would be akin to proteting them inside the hospitals.

Soldiers don't pick their wars or battles. Soldiers go where they are told. So why protest the soldiers? If the soldiers begin to protest their commanders, then we no longer have a military. What these morons are doing is actually creating more unity amongst the wounded and the rest of the military while polarzing the issue further.

This isn't a discussion about the reasons for the war...just about people who are too stupid to take a stand at the source.

I will take a stand against anyone who takes a stand against a US fighting man/woman. I detest those who detest the uniformed services.
I really don't care what anybody thinks about my opinions. In the article, it said GW Bush had to give approval to the closing of Walter Reed Center. Obviously he did, and I still do not think he is fit to be president. Whatever, none of us are ever going to agree, especaiily about politics. I am going golfing.....have a good day arguing.
Obviously he did, and I still do not think he is fit to be president.

The President hasn't had the BRAC commission's recommendations set in front of him yet. The process is still taking place. So, yes, I am arguing. President Bush hasn't made any decisions yet.

Have a great golf day!
FMarano - You are correct that none of us are ever going to agree, especially about politics but I think most of us can agree that a lack of knowledge doesn't help your side in a debate. Obviously the President DID NOT give approval, at least not yet. The BRAC panel gives it's recommendations to the President by Sept 8th. The President can accept it, reject it, or send it back for revisions. He can not "line-item" changes. Following the President's approval of the intial list or any revisions, it is sent to Congress who can accept it or veto it. The only thing that is obvious is you get your news from inferior sources, or you just parse the information that suits your needs.

You frame your initial comment as if the President acted to close the hospital for it's cost savings alone and were kicking those who use the facility to the street. If you have a Navy hospital and an Army hospital in the same geographical area, and one is more outdated than the other, what is wrong with combining them into a Joint Services Hospital and upgrading the facility to provide state of the art services in one location. The staffing and services are not being eliminated, they are just being relocated nearby to reduce redundancy. Maybe I'm missing something so if you or anyone can explain the benefit of udgrading two facilities at who know how much more cost, in the same area is better than a single upgrade combined facility I would be most greatful.
Anyone that the US voter selects is fit to be President. That is the beauty of our system. There is no birth-right as in a monarchy. There is also no sort of special requirements either. You just have to meet the qualifications set forth in the Constitution -- be born in the US and meet the minimum age.

There are folks that have been elected to be President that would not pass a military physical (FDR is one example). There are others that would not be granted even a basic security clearance (I won't give an example of this, since it would make my statement too politically charged). It is ironic to think that every Private in the Army has been screened more than our President is required to be.

In any case, whoever is selected by the populace deserves to be in the office. That is the only qualification. You can argue about it until you are blue in the face, but until the Constitution is changed, you will always be wrong.
In any case, whoever is selected by the populace deserves to be in the office. That is the only qualification.

According to Article II, Section 1, the Electors in the Electoral College selected the President, not the populace.
Steps in the Base-Closing Process

Aug 26, 5:18 AM (ET)

By The Associated Press

The federal panel reviewing the Pentagon's proposals to close and shrink bases is making final decisions this week on what to change before sending its report to President Bush. A look at the steps in the first round of base closings in a decade:

_The commission received the list of bases suggested by the Pentagon for realignment or closure on May 13.

_Commission performed an independent analysis and evaluation of the list, holding public hearings, visiting bases slated for changes and reviewing data the Pentagon used to make its decisions, from May through August. It now is making final decisions on what to change.

_The panel must send its final report to President Bush by Sept. 8.

_The president must either forward the report to Congress or return it to the commission for revisions by Sept. 23.

_If president sends back the report, the commission has until Oct. 20 to resubmit its report to him. If that occurs, the president has until Nov. 7 to approve the list and send it to Congress.

_Congress has 45 days from the day it receives the report from the president to enact a joint resolution to reject the report in its entirety or it becomes law.

_The president can also reject the report in its entirety, simply by never sending it to Congress. In that case, the process will be terminated and no closures or downsizings will occur.

_Commission will be terminated on April 15, 2006, by law.

Source: Base-closing commission.

Now you know...
Hey kefguy,

Stop blurring the argument with facts. They apparently are a meaningless add to the discussion and some here don't want any part of them (unless they help solidify the script they speak from).

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