OT: Anti-War Protests Target Wounded at Army Hospital

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Washington (CNSNews.com) - The Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., the current home of hundreds of wounded veterans from the war in Iraq, has been the target of weekly anti-war demonstrations since March. The protesters hold signs that read "Maimed for Lies" and "Enlist here and die for Halliburton."

I think staging protests in this area is detestable.
Dive: I like how I get labelled as a 'liberal'; the only thing I have stated in this thread is that I think the President is not setting a good example for the troops. While the troops dodge car bombs and some die in the process, Mr. President is enjoying boat rides and golf matches.

Questioning the leaders of our country is something any red-blooded American should be doing, no matter what his/her political affiliation or beliefs. We should never blindly follow/believe what is being spouted from either the media or from our political leaders.

Benjamin Franklin was labelled by his political adversaries as a 'liberal'. It's a good thing there are people willing to question authority in this country.
The effectiveness of a leader is not measured by the amount of vacation time he takes. In addition, many of the vacations the President takes are "working vacations". I really doubt that when the President is on his ranch, he just plays golf all day. When he is on vacation, he doesn't just say to the Vice-President, "Dick, you've got the con.", and then turn off his phone and disappear for a week.

No, it isn't that way at all, because as long as the President is healthy, he is Commander-In-Chief, and is in charge of any decisions that must be made. Anyone in the military can relate to this. Even at the lowest levels, vacation is canceled when the stuff hits the fan.
Not to change the subject, what ever it was:wacko:

I live just a few miles from President Bush's ranch in Crawford, TX. There are plans for big demonstrations from both sides (Pro & Anti War). Last week the Countiy Commissioners band parking and standing on the sides of many of the county roads in the Crawford area. That's why Cindy Sheehan and her supporters had to leave their roadside Camp Casey, and moved to a private ranch nearby. There are reported to be thousands of demonstrators caravaning down from the Dallas area to Crawford to attend the demonstrations, and I don't know if the rancher may have bit off more than he bargained for.

What is funny about all this is that many will find themselves walking home. :D

Some my friends in the Tow Truck business have informed me that all towing services in the Waco area have been called by county officials to be available for 24 hour service in the Crawford area for the entire weekend.:D

Since Crawford, TX has a population of about 750 residents and probably now only has 50 legal parking spots at the most, I suspect that parking will be a major problem and the caravan of tow trucks will equal or outnumber the demonstrators:lol:


You're just like Bennie Franklin!

I question them all the time. I just don't buy into the baseless rhetoric. The whole question of WMD's...that was not the central issue. Even though Bush's predecessor and the most outspoken democrat opponents all agreed that there were WMD's before Bush was elected and right up until the presidential election campaign began.

The lies commentary is ludicrous. But that is why it is so central in liberal spew.
I love our troops, I support our President. I think the protestors are subversive and traitors. Also I'm against BRAC. What happens to military bases is a political matter thus the people need to be more able to hold politicians accountable. BRAC just gives politicians a way to dodge this accountablity. We close bases to save money in the military, because we are cutting spending there. I say increase spending.:D
So does anyone here seriously think that when the President plays golf or goes jogging that he is not in constant contact witht the Directors of the FBI & CIA, the Attorney General, the Secty of State, Commerce, Education, Homeland Security....?

When you leave work at 5pm on Friday, you sit back and relax on Sat and Sunday. Do you think the country stops with you. I would guarantee that the President works 365 days a year and never has a real vacation in the sense that you and I do. I would classify what he does as "working" vacations. .

Just because he is not sitting in the oval office does not mean he is not at work.

He can't just kick back, drink a few brews and forget about the job stress.

As for BRAC, no comment.

As for the protesters outside Walter Reed, if a city bus happened to jump the curb and take a few out, I would be concerned for the bus driver....


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