OT-Anyone from WI......

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Jenn D

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, so I'll amdit it...I'm a Floridian and not only have I had the HONOR to discover and taste those lovely little yummy bites of goodness you all call Cheese Curds, but I am craving them badly. I last had them about 6 years ago and have been craving ever since. The reason I'm calling out for help is because online, there are lots of cheese distributers that sell the curds, but will only send to FL with at the least 2 day air. Translation ----- it would cost me almost $40 to get a 1 lb. bag. Does anyone know of a better way to ship these little gems, or had any experience (i.e. dry ice)? Any input would be greatly appreciated!


Not from there, but was in WI last week to visit the in-laws. Brought hope a couple of pounds. All the restaurants have fried cheese curds...yummy.
Jenn D -

I know what you mean. I was born and raised in WI so cheese curds became one of the main food groups (right behind beer and venison). I still vacation there to see my parents once a year and bring a lot back to NC with me. I've never had them shipped, but as long as they're not refridgerated and vaccum sealed, they should stay good for more than a couple days. Might want to try that request.

MK ..... The "other" Mark

P.S. Yes Matt, a restaurant is not a restaurant nor is a bar a bar without deep fried cheese curds! :D
Sorry, grew up there, but never shipped them.

I suggest making a trip to "God's Country" and getting them in person.

Mark and Matt, as a self-declared connoisseur, I must say that deep frying a curd absolutely ruins it. As does refrigeration (no, nuking them for a short time in the microwave doesn't fix them). The only true way to have a cheese curd is raw--and to do it at the dairy, when they've been out of the vat for 30 minutes or less. Anything less doesn't quite cut it. :)
wischeese.net sounds like they'll do it any time of the year--but they don't recommend anything slower than 2-Day...
Lastly, here's a long list of places that sell cheese in WI--but I have no idea if any of them ship or how. Just some possibilities you might like to click.

Good luck!
There is a cheese factory close to me, and I know they ship. Next time I go by I will stop and see if they ship to FL. and how much. If it is reasonable I will get you their address and any other info. you will need. Just about every store and gas station here in WI. sells them. But if you want the really fresh ones that squeak you go the cheese factory. A lot of the time they are still warm. Hope your not drooling to bad. Squeak squeak squeak, boy they are good.
One other possibility--

Rybicki cheese was a small cheese factory and store in Wisconsin who decided to have a store at Mall of America in the Twin Cities when they opened over a decade ago, and have been booming since then--both because their cheese sells well in the Mall and because their Packers products do even better. Their website claims that they "now ship all year in our special refrigerated box's" (sic). Might be worth a look...
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