OT: Does this mean that Pres Bush can take Ted Kennedy's house?

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TomT, I'm not saying anyone should have to "like" the president, or even agree with him. But no one should disrespect, hate, or villify the man or the office just because they don't agree with him or like him.

Good point, TJR.

The Taliban was providing "safe haven" to al Qaeda, but the Saudis provided the manpower - including Bin Laden. But we all know Bush would never do anything against the Saudis.
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Ha! A chimp could do a better job than G.W. The whole administration cares NOTHING about the people, only about thier out-of-touch NEO conservative agenda. Talk about ego,

this man tries to steer our countrys policy (actually the worlds, because the USA is a superpower) according to HIS twisted version of what God tells him to do. THATS RIGHT, he said "God told me to invade Iraq" Are you hearing me?? He is the worst public figure in history. Bar none. The ENTIRE world will take a nice strong cup of coffee after his last day in office, sit down, drink it, and breathe a huge sigh of relief. I personally cannot wait! The monkey will be off of our backs.
The ENTIRE world will take a nice strong cup of coffee after his last day in office

Frank - what qualifies you to talk for the ENTIRE world? Maybe you should be "President" of the ENTIRE world.

Here's a thought, make that cup of coffee somewhere else other than the US of A. Our doors are getting tougher to get in but they are very easy to leave. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

And to whomever thought I was a Clinton basher during his days, not for anything to do with running a country but his "extra-curricular activities" did open him up for a little discussion.

A real American,

I have the right to say anything I want about anyone. Freedom hurts sometimes doesnt it??

I stand by anything I say. I stand by my comments because they are true. Do you stand next to your hero Bush?? I didnt think so. Dont be a sheep JT, it only hurts us all.
> On a trip to Great Britain while he was President of the United States,

> Bill Clinton had a meeting with Queen Elizabeth. During that meeting

> he asked her, "How does one manage to run a country so smoothly?"


> "That's easy," the Queen replied, "You surround yourself with intelligent

> ministers and advisors."


> "But how can I tell whether they are intelligent or not?", asked Bill.

> You ask them a riddle," she replied, and with that she pressed a button and

> said, "Would you please send Tony Blair in." When Blair arrived, the Queen said,

> "I have a riddle for you to answer for me.


> Your parents had a child and it was not your sister and it was not your

> brother. Who was this child?"


> Blair replied, "That's easy. The child was me."


> "Very good," said the Queen. "You may go now."


> Sizing up his wife's chances in her presidential bid, and thinking back

> on that meeting, Bill Clinton spoke to Hillary. He said to her, "I have a

> riddle for you, and the answer is very important. Your parents had a child and it

> was not your sister and it was not your brother. Who was that child ?"


> Hillary replied, "Yes, it is clearly very important that we determine the

> answer. Can I deliberate on this for awhile?"


> "Yes," said Bill, "I'll give you four hours to come up with the answer."


> So Hillary called a meeting of her campaign team, from top to bottom,

> and asked them the riddle. But after much discussion and many suggestions,

> none of them had a satisfactory answer. She was quite upset, not knowing

> what she would tell her husband, the former President. As Hillary was

> leaving her meeting she ran into her most formable challenger to her

> presidential nomination, Barack Obama.


> So she said, "Mr. Obama, can you answer this riddle for me? Your parents

> had a child and it was not your sister and it was not your brother. Who was

> the child?"


> "That's seems pretty easy," said Obama, "I think the child would be me."


> "Oh thank you," said Hillary. "You may just have ensured my nomination

> for the democratic candidate for the Presidency of the United States!" So

> Hillary went back to Bill and said, "I think I know the answer to your riddle.

> The child was Barack Obama.!"


> "No, you Dumb **** !" shouted Bill. "The child was Tony Blair"


> The bottom line... guess where we're headed with the two of them again running the


The ENTIRE world will take a nice strong cup of coffee after his last day in office

Unless of course the President Elect is Hillary or Obama... if it's Hillary that coffee better be spiked with something good and strong to have to endure 4 years of her BS.

If it's Obama.... enjoy it 'cause it may be your last.

Why do I have this gut feeling that neither Travis nor R Shek followed that advice during the Clinton years?

Appearantly you havn't kept up with several of the other political threads going on around here.... I voted for Clinton the second time (course I was blind politically as I was a college student who just moved out of Kommiefornia). I thought he did an OK job. I also saw where he was anything but a real leader. He had no convictions other than his own status. He had no inner character guiding his decisions. He stuck a wet finger in the air to see which way the wind blew.

He lost 12 soldiers in the Blackhawk Down episode and pulled the troops out causing untold thousands of deaths. Congradulations.

But I did support the guy as being our President. I wasn't one of the people with the bumper sticker reading "Charlton Heston is My President", though I wanted one. I thought that was disrespectful politically, though I am well aware of the meaning behind it.

It's like today when I see bumper stickers that say "I miss Bill". It's disrespectful. But it's your right to have one.

I voted for Bush 2x. Why? The first time was because I sure as hell was not voting for that lunatic nutjob Gore. More importantly he was the "conservative" candidate which is the particular political philosophy I subscribe to. The second time was because I saw the potential for true leadership (which has not totally come to pass), especially in the wake of 9/11.

Don't give me this "blindly following GWB" BS. I am an avid follower of what happens in the world. I take in both sides and judge for myself. I also know that what the news shows about Iraq and GWB is not necessarily what is really happening.

I see the BS that the Demonrats are doing with Iraq and it make me sick. Hillary voted to go to war. She was so proud that she voted to do so when Saddam was caught. But two weeks later she says she didn't vote to go to war, but to threaten Saddam. Later she said that she did vote for it and was proud. Now she wants to re-vote. Yep real good leadership for a Presidential candidate... The Repukibians are not any better as a whole.

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